How to Witness to Family and Close Friends [Podcast]

In this episode you'll get to hear from two unique perspectives. A non-Christian younger brother (Danny Tamayo) with an older brother (Alex Sanfilippo) who wants to lead him to Christ and a Christian older brother who wants to lead his younger brother to Christ. This is their experience and journey of how to witness to family and close friends.

Episode 9: 'How to Witness to Family and Close Friends' Notes

Question: How did you feel as a non-Christian when your brother would talk to you about Christ?

It brought many awkward moments and conversations. Christianity was religion to me. I didn't understand relationship. It was ineffective the harder my brother tried.

Question: How was it sharing Christ as an older brother to your younger brother?

I felt like I was hitting a brick wall. I was saying and doing all the right things; but it just never had any weight. It was a lack of influence. It was frustrating.

Question: What actually worked? What actually lead you to Christ?

Space and support. At the end of the day my older brother did not have any direct hand in me making the decision to give my life to Christ. Really what helped the most was just knowing that he supported me and loved me. Once I was saved, he and I got a lot closer and were able to have great conversations about God.

Question: What recommendation do you have for people trying to witness to their family and close friends?

Let it go; don't do anything in the physical. Keep your faith for God’s plans in their life. All you can really do is trust in God’s plans for that persons live, and pray for them. Be there for them when you can, just to support them.Continue Reading: 'Relationships are Powerful!'

Closing Thought: Meet them where they are at. Don't be quick to 'push' Christianity every chance you get. Wait, be patient; help and support them where they are.


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