Pursue Without Ceasing

Seek first the kingdom that is unseen. Seek first the Kingdom that holds the truths to set you free. Seek first the Kingdom principles that were made for you and me. Seek first and you will find the greatest answer that has stood longer than the test of time, Jesus.

He is the one who showed us how to give to the needy, pray, fast, store up heavenly treasures, and to not worry about tomorrow. He is the greatest example on how to live within God’s will for your life. He is the greatest example on how to walk in right standing with the Lord. He sought his Father’s face every day, often in the morning light, worshipping and communing with Him in the hidden places.

After reading into some commentary on Matthew 6:33, I found that seek means, one is to pursue something and keep on pursuing it without stopping. Don’t you love that thought?

For Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.” -Matthew 7:7.

Pursue the Lord with your whole heart, with everything that is within you. For what is more important than Jesus? Is it your clothes? No, can’t be, for they are in one season and out the next. Is it what you are going to eat? No, can’t be, for once I eat,I will hunger again. My own thirst I cannot quench, but in my pursuit of Jesus all these earthly worries that consume my time and energy, my good Father will freely give to me, when I seek Him.

These words should set us free. They should taste like honey in your mouth. Jesus has set you free from the worries and strongholds of this earth. As sons and daughters, we don’t live by these earthly principles of worry, greed, and hate, but by God’s Kingdom principles of an abundant, shackle-free life.

​The Lord has released the Spirit of Freedom upon the earth. Repent, confess your sins and turn around. For the Lord is calling you to himself. He has opened wide the Kingdom of Heaven and is pouring out His Spirit upon this generation. So, pursue and keep on pursuing without ceasing.

If you do this, your eyes will be open to the spiritual realm and no evil attack from the enemy will be able take you out, because you will know what you are fighting against.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against authorities, against the power of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,” Ephesians 6:12.

Once you understand God’s Kingdom and His ways, you will want to live in obedience to them, because it is God’s bestplan for your life, and His original intent for all humanity.

​I love the story of Daniel and the lion’s den. When the King put out an edict for the whole land to worship only him, Daniel refused to stop pursuing the Lord. His faith ultimately got him thrown into the den of lions, but God shut up the mouths of those lions to protect His faithful servant.

To be willing to give up your life to pursue Jesus, is a call we must all answer. Equally as such, is to ask the question, do I believe in God’s Kingdom principles? Do I believe God will meet every one of my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus?

The Passion Translation words Philippians 4:19 this way:

“I am convinced that my God will fully satisfy every need you have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through the Anointed One, Jesus Christ.”

The Apostle Paul can write this because he said ‘yes’ to pursuing the Lord. He never stopped pursuing, even when he was stoned and left to die. He never stopped pursuing, even when he was shipwrecked, beaten, thrown in prison, and hated by people. He knew in his heart that his pursuit had led him to giving up his life, for the one who gave him a life. A life that he could never earn or deserve on his own.

Because Jesus set him free and gave him an everlasting life with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. Paul understood the spiritual principles of the Kingdom. We must choose to do the same. Say ‘no’ to the ways of this world and say ‘yes’ to the ways of Jesus.


Scripture References:

Matthew 7:7

Ephesians 6: 12- Gods Armor

Daniel 6

Philippians 4:19

Matthew 6:33 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.


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