The Simple Things: Prayer

Here at Good Christian Co, we’re committed to making the truths of the bible clear through the meditation of the word, the studying of the human alongside the heart of God, and the sharing of our personal revelations.

This month we wanted to go into the topic of Prayer. It’s may seem simple, but we could probably no sooner exhaust the topic of prayer than we could count the stars in the sky. I wanted to take a moment an introduce the topic, as well as share a very simple truth that, I hope, will frame the rest of the posts going forward.

The Truth? God wants to hear our prayers.

Stop and think about that for a second. The creator of the universe wants to hear from you. He angles for your every word. That’s huge. And if we can grasp that concept, it could, conceivably, change the way we think about prayer, and even the way we pray.

“In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.” — Psalm 18:6

Numerous Psalms elaborate that we can call out to God in all seasons, and that he does hear us. But the small fact that he isn’t just tolerating our cries, but waiting for them, is beautiful.

So why would God WANT to hear us?

1) We are his people. He created us for union with Him, and we’re only out of that union because we chose our way over His ways. We were meant to walk and talk with our God. Any opportunity to do this, is a blessing to us, and one to Him, and what we were designed for. (Genesis 1:27).

2) He loves his people. I know it’s simple, but just as I would want my daughter to share every part of her day, as I’d expect and yearn for her to tell me what broke her heart, what made her happy, he yearns for those things too. He cares about you and wants to see your face angled toward Him as you express whatever is on your heart, good or bad (honestly, he knows it already, but it’s sweeter when we willingly share, just as it is with our sons and daughters). (John 3:16)

3) He has a plan for us. He’s looking for any opportunity to have our attention so He can share that love, comfort the pain, and guide our confusion. When we turn to Him in prayer, properly and with space for Him to respond, He is able to direct our path. He’s able to share secrets, reassure us of His love, and remind us of who He made us to be.

“I will insruct you and teach you in the way your should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you,” - Psalm 32:8

So…does know that God is waiting to hear from you, change anything for you? Don’t wait, reach out in prayer to your Heavenly Father, today.

Father God, thank you that you love us so much that you sent your son to create a way back to you, when we messed things up. Thank you for the divine connection of prayer you’ve allowed with our Creator, and that you listen with more than a sense of duty, but with avid attention. Help us to remember how much you love us as we begin each day, and help us love you with our actions, devotions, and generosity, every day.



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