Renewing Your Mind: Refresh Your Soul

You know when you feel like you are in a rut and far away from Jesus?

Good, I hope I am not alone. I find it easy to get there when I stop reading God’s truth over my life. I find when I feel like going to church seems blah and serving a burden, that I have been wandering with no clear vision and purpose. When my mind has gone cloudy, and an indifference settles within me, I know I am not winning the battle in my mind. When my soul is in turmoil within me, that’s when I know I must redirect my steps. Let’s be honest though, it can be hard to pull yourself out of these moments, seasons, and deep pits all by yourself.

Thankfully, God is always trying to get our attention. He will always keep fighting for us, even when we are trying to run and hide from him. I often times feel his gentle nudging, calling me back into communion with him. When I need to renew my mind, writing helps me get to a place where I can shut out the noise of the world and just sit and be with my Father. 

Look up child. Can you see my face? What do you see? 

My God when I look up towards the heavens, I see the only thing that matters. You. I see your face. I see your smiling face. I see your warm demeanor. I see your piercing eyes of love and grace. You are so merciful my God. I am undeserving of your praise. For it took me so long to look away from the things of this world and upon your face. Your grace, I forgot. My race became the ways of this world, and I lost my place. My pace became too quickened, and I started to run the wrong way. You kept putting signs out along the way saying slow down, danger ahead, turn around, dead end, but I ignored them all the same. I became prideful and thought I could make my own way.  I listened to the voices I wanted to hear and took my eyes towards a fleeting prize. Woe is me, my heart cries. Woe is me; my flesh took over and I did not fight. Yahweh, I see you now, would you show me the good way?

My child. My child. Oh, how I love you. I need nothing from you. I would love to sit and be with you. I want to hear all your fears and all your dreams. Let me be your listening ear. Let me be with you as you run the race I have set out before you. For I tend to keep a good pace. I am never in a hurry, so let my voice of truth permeate your ears. Let my words of wisdom sink deep into the depths of your being. Your soul longs for my truth. Your inner man cries out for my running water to fill your deep well of sorrows. When you look up my child, my eyes will remind you that I see you blemish free. The lies of deceit you speak over thee will have to flee. For when you look up, my radiant glow will remind you of my perfect love for thee. You are held in perfect harmony. Can’t you hear the sweet melody that whispers in your ear of the thousands of good and pleasing thoughts I have of you. My child, look up and see me for who I really am, for when I look at you, I see the blood of the lamb. Renew the thoughts that you have and the words that you speak. Meditate on me and grow tall like the cedars of Lebanon (Psalm 1:3). For when your spirit man sings, he will shout only praises to me. You will overflow with an intoxicating aroma and bear fruit in its due season. You will never wither and dry because you have learned to find your well’s source in me. The good Father, Yahweh, the great I Am.

Throughout my moments of sadness, loneliness, business, and isolation I have found that God continuously reminds me of a few ways to renew my mind. I pray they ring true for you too. 

  1. Be in church community. Get around people who love the Lord and are passionately pursuing him. For God says where two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be. (Matthew 18:19-20)

  2. Worship the Lord. Singing out words of life and letting God’s perspective and His truth saturate your mind and heart will make everything you are facing seem so small when you put them in your Father’s hands.

  3. Pray. And if you don’t feel like you can, have people surround you in prayer. We are called to carry one another’s burdens. You are not in it alone.

  4. Change your place and pace. Intentionally take a step to get outside of whatever routine is putting you in a rut. Pause and rest in your favorite spot with God. For me, that is in nature, along a river with a tea in my hand. God will meet you where you are at. It is OK to say no to some plans or take a day for yourself and just breath and be in the presence of God. 

  5. Speak life over yourself and others. For life and death is in the power of the tongue. What you think and say has the power to change your heart posture and mindset back into alignment with God’s word and His thoughts of you. (Proverbs 18:21)

Scripture References:

Psalm 1:3 “He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth it’s fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”

Matthew 18:19-20 “‘Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.’”

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”


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