What is Truth?

“Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.” 37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” 38 “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him. “ — John 18:36–38 (NIV) 

I have always found this interaction between Jesus and Pilate to be one of the most interesting aspects of the Gospel. 

Pilate finds himself in quite a predicament with what to do with Jesus.  On one hand he finds no basis to send him to the cross.  On the other hand outside his doors is a crowd of people calling for Jesus to be sent to the cross.  As the governor; Pilate had the power to release Jesus.  Even Pilate’s wife warned him to not get involved with this situation. 

Yet here is Pilate with a decision to make. 

This decision is the same one that people have been making ever since that faithful day. Pilate wanted to know what truth is, but he failed to realize that truth itself was standing before him.  Jesus is the only truth in this world upon which we can build our lives and move towards eternity.

We have the same predicament as Pilate. 

What is truth? 

While the truth may not be standing in front of us, it is sitting on our tables, bookshelves or even on our phones.  The Bible contains the truth of Jesus Christ.  It contains the life giving truth that can save our souls.  Never before in history has the Bible been so accessible.  Despite the ease of access the number of Bible believing Christians in western society drops each year.  People are choosing to side with the crowds of people shouting that the Bible isn’t the true word of God.  People are choosing to comprise the truth of Jesus Christ in order to find themselves in line with “popular” ideologies of our time.  The people that are not saying anything at all are simply floating through life and thus add to the number of the crowd.

This is a time to be bold for Jesus. 

It is a time in which we must open our Bibles and live out the truth that Jesus has given to us.  It is time for people to find their ways back to Jesus because we have wandered far away from the holy path that Jesus and the apostles blazed for us. 

It will not be easy; it will put you at odds with the world.  However, we must choose which kingdom we would like to be a part of.  Do we want to choose to be a part of the Kingdom of Jesus?  Or do we want to be part of the world? 

The kingdom of Jesus that has been built upon the truth of our Lord.  The kingdom of the world is built upon ideologies that are constantly shifting like dunes of sand caught in a windstorm.  The truth has been given to us, the truth is never changing and the truth is for every person on earth.  The truth of Jesus saves souls here on earth and prepares us for eternity.  I pray that that unlike Pilate , you will not go with the crowds but will instead dedicate your life to our Lord Jesus Christ.

#truth #salvation #narrowroad #eternity #theway #thetruth #thelife


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