How the Changing of Seasons Can Relate to Christianity

I recently found a beautiful song while listening to some music on YouTube, called Seasons Change, by United Pursuit, feat Michael Ketterer. It made me think about the different seasons we experience in the different phases of our lives. So, I wanted to share a post about it with links to helpful DailyPS posts on those topics.


Is described as a season of dormancy, and when the land is resting. Are there areas in your life perhaps, where you are experiencing dormancy or rest? Maybe it’s getting a bit boring, waiting for something to happen? Are you waiting for a change? Perhaps, like me, you want to try to make things happen? It’s like tilling/working the ground during winter- useless, pointless and tiring.Maybe you should cease from working, and instead spend time resting, as this is a season of rest for you.

“And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while” - Mark 6:31 ESV

If you read my previous post, about the benefits of proper rest, it would be a good reminder as to why we have the winter-periods of our lives, and why even these times are so crucial for us and our growth.


Summer has longer days and shorter nights. It’s the hottest time of the year. It is generally a time of activity and busyness.Are we being busy, just doing ‘stuff,’ or are we being fruitful in what we are doing? Filling up your calendar with social activities and obligatory tasks, may seem like a way to get organized but remember to take time to ask, “Are these various activities creating good fruit in your life and in the lives of others?” When we ask these types of questions, we can be more purposeful in what we do, instead of just ticking a long list of stuff to get done.Being present is also something that is really important. Have you ever been somewhere and wished you were elsewhere? It is not a very nice feeling, and you end up feeling bitter and resentful for being there.


Or Fall, as it is also referred to, is a transitional period. A period of change. Have you been through some transitions in your life? Those can be quite daunting too. Here are three helpful posts on this topic:


The time of growth, of new beginnings. Flowers blossom and bloom and their beauty and fragrance are evident wherever you look.A season of a new job? A new home? A new relationship? All of these may be seasons of Spring in one’s life, bringing with it, its own challenges and choices.

Those are the ways that the changing of seasons can relate to Christianity.

We often struggle with the ‘winter’ seasons in our lives more, the waiting and resting and doing nothing. Yet the other seasons, do not bring as much rest as the ‘winter season’ does. We should embrace the season that we are currently in, rather than forsaking it. We should understand that in order for the ground to be worked, a period of rest is needed first so that the best harvest can come forth.I am trusting that God has the best harvest for you, whatever season you may be in right now.


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