You are the secret weapon

I grew up playing all different types of sports. No matter what sport I was playing, I distinctly remember that I always wanted to be the guy that the coach called on when the game was on the line, whether it was taking a penalty kick in a soccer game, taking the final shot in basketball, or getting called on to pinch hit with two outs in the last inning of a baseball game.  Whatever it was, it always felt good to know that my coaches had faith in me and felt confident to place me in those important situations. In sports movies, these types of people are often referred to as "the secret weapon". This title gives the implication that when all bets are off, and the next pitch or swing will likely decide the game, the coach has a certain person that they think will give them an extremely high probability of winning.I believe that we all have some desire within us to be thought of as the coach's secret weapon. Obviously, the sports analogy would not work for everyone. However, we all want to hear our name called. We all want to know that people trust us to get the job done when the stakes are high. Maybe you wanted to be chosen for the solo in the choir. Maybe you were an actor and always longed to hear your name called for a lead role. Maybe you want to be the person that your boss calls to take the lead when the company lands that new big contract. Whatever it is, we all like to be seen as "the secret weapon".

Related Post: Going in Blind

Today, I just felt led to remind you that you are God's secret weapon. Regardless of whether or not your coach, your boss, or anyone else sees you that way. The Bible says that you are God's masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). It says that He literally knit you together in your mother's womb (Psalm 139:13). It's crazy when we allow that to sink in for a moment. God had a vision in mind when He created you. He had a plan and a purpose, and He used that plan and purpose as the driving force behind why He created you the way He did. You are, quite literally, His secret weapon. He looked out into this world, saw a need, and said "This person will fit that need perfectly. I will design them with everything they could ever possibly need to fulfill their purpose."It's even crazier when we understand that God has unlimited resources. He is not limited by anything. This is like an engineer's dream. For all the engineer's out there, could you imagine if someone came and told you that they wanted you to design a product, and you had unlimited resources? What if cost, materials, and the ability to actually build it didn't even need to be considered? This is hard for us to even fathom, yet this was God's situation when He created each and every one of us.In summary, you are God's secret weapon. He created you so perfectly for what He has called you to do. He sent His Son to die on a cross to show you how much He loves you, to help you believe that, and to empower you with the same Spirit that raised His Son from the dead. He has a plan and a purpose for your life greater than anything you can even imagine. Please don't let anyone ever tell you any different. You ARE God's secret weapon!




How To Be A Man Of God Part 2