United Pursuit Simple Gospel

"Simple Gospel by United Pursuit" ...I looked down at my phone and saw these words in a text message from a close friend of mine. As soon as I got in front of a computer I looked it up on YouTube. (What did we do before YouTube???) I listened to this song and really fell in love with it. The spirit of worship behind it is very strong. Here are some of the lyrics.

Simple Gospel by United Pursuit

"Lord, I’ve been told to be ashamed. Lord, I’ve been told I don’t measure up. Lord, I’ve been told I’m not good enough. But you’re here with me. I reach out and you find me in the dust. You say no amount of untruths can separate us. I will rejoice in the simple gospel. I will rejoice in you, Lord." (You can see the full lyrics Here.)

I ended up taking time to listen to the entire Simple Gospel album. Very powerful! I wanted to share this on the blog today because it is some great worship music that isn't extremely well known yet. Also, this song is a great reminder for me to remember the simplicity of the gospel and what that means in the life of every Christian. I encourage you to check out the link below on the topic of the simple gospel.

Related Post: The gospel is simple

This is a great band, they have some very powerful worship music that I have greatly enjoyed! Check out the official United Pursuit website. Also, they have a YouTube Playlist of one of the albums that I am really enjoying! I hope that this music blesses you as it has blessed me and become part of my worship music playlist.

I would love to hear feedback on what you think of this song and artist. Also, if you know of any other worship music that is worth sharing on DailyPS, please leave a comment below.


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