Speak Words Out loud, But Be Positive

When is the last time you thought something, and never actually did it?  If you're like most of us, it happens almost daily.  There are many things we think or want to do that we never actually do.  Maybe you're single and you pass someone you are initially attracted to and you say to yourself, "I'm going to talk to that person."  But then you just keep walking past, making excuses not to.  Or maybe you are in a job and say, "I'm going to quit and start my own business," but the fear of that keeps you from taking the next step.

Say It Out Loud

Now, in either one of these scenarios, what would happen if you told a friend of yours the exact same thing.  By simply bringing another person into the discussion and speaking it out loud you most likely feel obligated to do it.There is a great power in words.  Not written words, or thought about words, but SPOKEN words.  I'm not saying that there isn't power in written words or thoughts, but there is something different and powerful about speaking the words out loud.

Psalm 33:9 - "For when he spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command."Joshua 6:20 (Battle of Jericho) - "When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city."Genesis 1:3 - "And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light."Throughout Genesis 1, every time God put something in existence the Bible reads, "And God said,..."

Have you ever seen someone talking to themselves to get ready to do something?  By simply speaking positive words to yourself, it can give you a different mentality.

Spoken Words Have Power

The scary part here is that you can just as easily have words affect you negatively.  Maybe you have one of these friends: the friend who is always negative and always tells you how bad everything is when you talk to them.  Wonder why things are always going poorly for them?  They keep convincing themselves by speaking it out loud that things are bad.  And a lot of the times it affects you as well.  You have to speak positively into your own life and others.

Related Post: Learning to Feast

When people say you can't do something, you can easily combat that with YES, I CAN, or, better yet, YES, GOD CAN.  It seems pretty simple, and maybe a little cheesy, but you can never have too many positive words spoken into your life.Find those people that will speak positively to you, and make sure you are speaking positively to yourself and to anyone you speak to.


At Your Weakest Moments, Do Not Give Up


It's Not About Our Perfection, But It's All About His