Marriage Oneness – Spiritual Beliefs

We took a couple weeks off from our Marriage Oneness series but this week I want to get back into it with the topic of Spiritual Beliefs in mind.Tim and Lea Lundy do a great job of laying out the Pros and Cons of having similar faiths and mixed faiths.  Let’s take a look at what they have to say;Some Perspectives on Spiritual Beliefs in Marriage;

  • The Good
    • Couples who regularly go to church together have much lower divorce rates and happier marriages.
  • The Bad
    • Couples who have different spiritual beliefs have a divorce rate three times higher than other couples.
    • It’s much harder to have soul-level harmony without soul-level belief.
  • The Very Good
    • The happiest married couples are those who share a common spiritual life together.

What Spiritual Oneness Is and Isn’t in a Marriage;

  • Spiritual Oneness is more than a passive acknowledgment of God together.
  • Spiritual Oneness is more than attending church together.
  • Spiritual Oneness is more spiritual sameness.
  • Spiritual Oneness is a husband and wife mutually committed to believing and following Jesus Christ. The mutual commitment then leads to a shared and exciting spiritual journey.
    • This is where your talents and personality come to life. If your talents and personality are different than your spouse it’s not right or wrong, just different.  It’s how God made you.

Four ways to Strengthen Spiritual Life in Your Marriage;

  • As a couple you should seek to know and understand the Bible
    • Commit first to reading the bible for yourself on a regular basis
    • Share your discoveries in the Bible with our Spouse
    • Join a couples group and study the Bible together
  • Pray together
    • Praying together builds a unique emotional intimacy
    • If you’ve never done this before, start by sharing a one sentence prayer together at bedtime.
  • Worship together
    • Find a good church that encourages you both. Regular worship together will strengthen your marriage.
    • Husbands, show your spiritual leadership here. Make finding a good church and going to church regularly your responsibility.
  • Share your spiritual thoughts and experiences with each other.

If you have never asked Jesus to be a part of your life, here’s one way you can do so:Dear God, I want to know you and have a real relationship with you.  I believe that you love me and that Jesus died on the cross to pay for my sins.  Please forgive me for all things that I have done wrong.  From this moment forward I choose to trust you and follow you.  I believe that today marks a new day in my journey as a follower of Jesus.  I pray this in Jesus’ name.  Amen. Marriage Oneness - The Oneness FactorMarriage Oneness - CommunicationMarriage Oneness - Conflict ResolutionMarriage Oneness - Money




Jesus Is... (Entry #1)