Step INTO Leadership Not Away From It!

This is one of those days where I had planned to write one thing, then God put something else on my heart literally 10 seconds before starting to write this at 5am in the morning.  So no promises as to how this comes out, but here goes nothing (trusting God at its finest, haha).THE BACKGROUNDI go to lunch most days with my co-workers.  Normally its the same group of people with a couple others scattered in from time to time.  The conversation normally works the same way, we gather around one persons work area and all agree that we want to have lunch.  Then we start to debate where we want to go.  It normally starts out something like this..."where do you want to go" "I don't care" "ok, well, I'm hungry so lets go. We can figure it out on the way"We then proceed to get in the car and delay the decision until we have to physically make a turn out of the parking lot one way or another.  Normally, someone throws out an idea soon after we get in the car, but many times it is left up to the driver to make the decision.All the people I go to lunch with are good at making decisions in our jobs.  Its why we have the positions we do.  but when it comes to lunch somedays, we leave that skill at our desks and don't want to do it for an hour.  We all have the ability to make a decision and be a leader, we just don't.  My guess is that we all assume one of the other people who has this ability will make the decision so we won't have to worry about it.THE POINTHow many times in your own life have you known that you should take leadership in an area of your life, but you simply didn't do it and assumed (or hoped) someone else would?Maybe it is in your job, or at church, or in a relationship/marriage.  If it is the later (relationship/marriage) let me make it very clear...GUYS/ should be leading!  Now this isn't to say that the ladies can sit back and do nothing.  No, its a partnership...a team, but the "team leader" should be the guy.

Related Post: A Leader Is One Who Knows the Way Goes the Way and Shows the Way

If you feel that God has put you in a place to be a leader, don't step away from it...step INTO it.  Leadership is a privilege and something we should not take lightly.  We should be honored to be in that position and excited to take on the challenges it brings with it.THE VERSESProverbs 11:14 - "Where there is no guidance the people fall, But in abundance of counselors there is victory."Psalms 78:72 - "So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, And guided them with his skillful hands."1 Timothy 3:5 - "For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church?" 


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