God is Your Biggest Fan

Who out there loves a good rock concert?  Recently our church was lucky enough to host the City RockFest tour that included Seventh Day Slumber, Nine Lashes, Disciple, and my personal favorite Decyfer Down.  I really do respect the way God uses musical artist to further his ministry.  Because I look at these people and think, “never in a million years would I be able to get up on stage and dance and sing in front of all these people.”It had been a great concert until the headliner, Disciple, got up on stage and then it became a great concert!  The lead singer, Kevin, gave a mini sermon in the middle of their set and it was so moving I still go back to the words he said to get me through some days.Kevin is a new dad with a 20 month old and a 9 month old.  I’m personally not a dad but he shared that through being a father he can now understand a little better God’s love for his children.  In his testimony he shared how the 9 month old is trying to walk and that when she would fall he was right there to pick her up and give her some encouragement because he knew she was so close to getting it.But here is where it starts to get really good!  Just a couple days before the concert Kevin’s wife sent him a text asking him to get on Facetime.  He called his wife on Facetime and when he was connected all he could see was their living room.  Then out of nowhere he sees his little 9 month old baby girl walk across the screen with the biggest smile on her face.  He literally cheers her on with exuberance, “GOOD JOB BABY!!! WAY TO GO!!! Dad’s so proud of you.”Do you see the beauty in this?  This is the EXACT same way God looks at us, speaks to us, and cheers for us.  Everytime we trip or stumble, God is right there to pick us back up with a smile on his face.  It doesn’t matter how hard you have fallen, how long you've been falling, or if you have fallen and just been laying there.  It doesn’t matter because God see’s the potential in you and can’t wait to help you back up on your feet.  God knows you are so close to getting it that he can’t wait to go crazy when you walk across that living room floor.God is your biggest fan and he is completely blown away by you.  He doesn’t look down on you, waiting for you to fail so he can punish you and pick you apart.  He’s not up in heaven scheming new ways to trick you into messing up.  No; he doesn’t want to do any of those things.  He is for you and so desperately wants a relationship with you.  That's what christian living is all about.  It's not about living a perfect life or doing enough good deeds to punch your ticket into heaven.  You're ticket has already been punched, all you have to do is accept it.  It's literally that simple.The enemy does a really good job of shaming us with our mistakes, but always remember where that comes from.  God is perfect love, and shame does not come from perfect love.  He cares for you and loves you more than anything.  You are the center of his universe and he celebrates you every single day.  God just wants you to celebrate with him too.Jeremiah 29:11 -  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


What do you believe about God's response to prayers?


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