The task ahead of you is never greater than the strength within you.

Often when people think about the tasks ahead of them in life, they become troubled. A popular question that I have heard asked is this:"Do I really have what it takes?"Think about that question... Before you answer it, understand that the way you think determines everything. It all starts with our mindset...What is a mindset? Definition: a conviction that is validated by an action.What is your conviction of yourself? If you do not know, then look at your actions. The way you are living will tell you the way you think. Most people are not completely happy with where they are.The strength within youI want to encourage you to begin to change your mindset. Shift your current thinking to a mindset of becoming personally greater. Do not just focus on greatness. That is too big. Greatness is a continual process of measuring yourself to other people. Greatness is not fair, because it is always evolving. Instead; focus on becoming personally greater. If every day you focus on becoming greater than you were the day before, then you will learn of this strength within you... Once you have learned your strength, the strength that each of us holds, you will never be troubled by any task ahead of you.Here are four steps to help you become greater:1. Don't be afraid. - Stop thinking about failing.2. Don't hold back. - Holding back has gotten you nowhere.3. Focus on yourself. - Stop comparing yourself to other people. (Greater, not greatness.)4. Just do it. - Becoming greater is a declaration, not conversation. Don't just start having conversations with your friends about doing this; do it!Philippians 4:13I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.Deuteronomy 28:13...The LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you will always be on top and never at the bottom.


An unexplainable, unconditional, selfless act of love attracts people to God in the same way that bait attracts fish to a net


Don't miss the people right beside you in an effort to talk to someone far away