Would Jesus Ever Be Elected President? [Jesus' Viewpoints]
If Jesus were living among us today and was running for president, would he ever be elected? Let's look at his viewpoints on trending topics.
Express Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Do you believe in God? No, like deep down, when you’re alone by yourself and no one is around, do you believe in him? Express yourself to Him...
Love that Never Forgets
Americans rallied around that cry after the atrocities of September 11. Yet every day, we forget lives lost in the womb. Never forget.
How Should Christians Respond to Abortion?
Since that moment just days ago, social media has been broiling with anger from both sides of abortion. How do we as Christians respond to abortion?
"I'm pregnant, no one knows. I'm thinking of having an abortion."
This is a story that I've not shared before. But, these words are brought back to my mind since learning about the new abortion law passed in New York.