Express Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Do you believe in God? No, like deep down, when you’re alone by yourself and no one is around, do you believe in Him? It’s okay to doubt, but do you believe He’s real, that He sits on a real throne, in a real heaven?I think so many of us desperately want to believe in God. We want to believe He’s a good good father; all because Chris Tomlin told us so. We want to believe He hears our prayers and cares about us.

But do you think He’s really been a good father to you?

When you lay your head down on your pillow at night and stare at the ceiling, solving all of life’s issues, do you feel God's presence? Do you ever feel His presence? Or do you only feel His presence through presents?Maybe what I’m asking is, do you know God? Do you know the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob? How about the God that saved Israel from Egypt, split the Red Sea, and even gave up His son for us? Do you know the God of yesterday, today, and forever?

Heavy. I know.

These questions make me think of Job in the Bible. When you read through Job you see the story of a guy who, based upon his circumstances, that God clearly didn't care for. God allowed Job to lose more in a short span of time than most of us will see in our entire lifetime. If anyone had any reason to dislike God, Job did.But that's not what I want to talk about. It’s easy to compare our lives to Job and think about how he lost so much and whatever we may have lost recently pales in comparison and Job continued to serve God; we should too.What I see when reading the story of Job is a God who is not afraid to engage those who want answers. Often, we get mad at God and think He either doesn’t hear our prayers or He could care less. Let me encourage you and share, God is not afraid of your tough questions, hard doubts, or harsh words. God has had to answer some serious questions Himself. Let's put it this way, God had to answer this question Himself, "How am I going to save these humans who cannot ever seem to save themselves?"

Express Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

I don’t know what you’re going through right now. You may have just had an abortion, one night stand, got insanely drunk last night, lost a girlfriend, wife, family member or just be plain depressed. It’s hard to look anyone in the face after any of those events. Most of the time we just want to be alone.I remember when my grandpa died, I was driving to church angry at God. Asking Him all the same questions Job did.

If you’re so merciful, where’s your mercy now? You say you wipe away my tears, why is my face covered in tears right now? If you’re so good, where's your goodness?

In response, I heard God tell me His heart hurt too. He was broken too. We hear all these amazing attributes of God in the Bible, but thing that I believe we miss a lot of times is that God feels. He feels your pain, He hears your doubts and He knows your worries and your short comings.We must remember God’s ways are not are ways. He speaks in an unspeakable language and speaks to us through ours. This is the same God who speaks Chinese to someone in China and English in someone in the United States at the exact same time. He is fluent in every language. Even the language of the broken.

Related Post: Brokenness is valuable

When you’re to hurt to express words, He knows what you’re saying. Psalms 34:18 says God is near to the broken-hearted. I would encourage you today, reach out to Jesus. Speak to Him. Express your broken heartedness. Let God know how much you believe (or don't believe) that He will or can save the day. He knows anyways.The book of Job ends with Job having everything, and then some, returned to him.You may be in a spot today where you feel like everything is lost. You may feel broken or defeated. I’d encourage you, turn to Jesus. He’s not afraid of your doubt and disbelief. Because honestly, He’ll always exceed it anyways.God is the great magician. He can work magic in the midst of your unbelief. Turn to Him and allow Him to do the miraculous. Express yourself before God!


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