Godly Discernment in Accepting Job Offers and Promotions
Knowing what jobs and promotions to say "yes" to can be a challenge, but with Godly discernment as you guide, your career steps will align with His will.
Express Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Do you believe in God? No, like deep down, when you’re alone by yourself and no one is around, do you believe in him? Express yourself to Him...
Making Sense of the Pain and Suffering Happening Right Now
The world is in turmoil right now - We're seeing more pain and suffering than ever before. How can one make sense of all of this?
Spiritual Promotion (What does Godly Promotion Looks Like?)
No matter where you are, God will always promote you. Spiritual promotion comes from God and he has a change in store for you.
The Groundhog Day Effect: Steadfast Through the Toughest Seasons
Sometimes the trials of life can have the Groundhog Day Effect. It feels like things may never get better. But in Christ, we have the victory.