5 Things God Convicted Me of in My Past That Changed My Life
When God convicts you of something, the best thing you can do is surrender it to Him and take action to change. Here's how God changed me!
Jesus Did Not Avoid The Uncomfortable (Neither Should We)
The popular Bible story, the woman at the well explains that Jesus did not avoid the uncomfortable. (Read John 4:4-26) But, what about us? Do we avoid the right thing because it's not comfortable? This post explores how we should handle uncomfortable situations...
Cherishing God's Will Above Our Comfort
As Christians we must begin cherishing God's will above our own Comfort. This is not always simple to do, but it is possible. This post explains how.
Afflict the Comfortable and Comfort the Afflicted
Afflict - A pastor once told me that he considers it his personal calling to “afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted”.