The Importance of Believing in the Impossible

Have you ever heard the analogy that faith is like taking a step off the edge of a cliff and trusting that there is a safety net to catch you? I remember hearing that countless times growing up in the church and never fully understanding it. Perhaps this is because I have an irrational fear of falling. Not a fear of heights, but of actually falling from a terrible height! So this analogy always confused me.Why would having unshakable faith in God feel like something so terrifying? How is it encouraging that believing in the impossible would make your stomach churn? And why do pastors smile when they tell you that it will be?

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Over the last 10 days, I have finally understood this. My sweet Mom was hospitalized and placed on a ventilator and feeding tube last week. Then, I received the gut-wrenching phone call that she wouldn’t be coming home. The doctors looked at her recovery as impossible. She had too much damage in her lungs from fighting cancer, and her kidneys were starting to fail.In those first few moments, I crumbled. I called my loved ones while sobbing and told them the news.

And then... I remembered.

I remembered that my God, the One who speaks galaxies into existence, is still in control. My Father, who parts seas and calms storms, is still on the throne. My Jesus, who healed blind men and cured a disease with just the hem of His garment, is alive!

The impossible is always possible with God.

Today, just 10 days later, my Mom has made a miraculous recovery. The doctors said her last fight had become just a chapter of faith and healing in her testimony.  I still struggle with holding onto this faith. Every day I have to remind myself that God is holding her in the palm of His hands. But whatever the outcome, I can rest in that knowledge. And so can you.Our God is still capable of doing impossible things. He can still heal the sick and save the lost. The missing piece in the formula is our faith! Yes, our gut-wrenching, terrifying, cry-your-eyes-out faith. Believe in the impossible today. Your seemingly hopeless situation is actually just a chapter in your testimony! Believe that the King of the Heavens is who He says He is, now and forever.

  • “Nothing, you see, is impossible with God.” - Luke 1:37 MSG
  • “The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living.” - Hebrews 11:1 MSG

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