The World Is Watching: How Do You Respond?

Believers and nonbelievers have co-existed since time immemorial. Friends, families, coworkers, and every race have lived alongside one another regardless of faith and religious orientation. However, the differences in religious beliefs still have not escape human judgment and persecution because the world is watching constantly.

As Christians, What Are We to Do When the World is Watching?

How do we respond when life throws difficult situations at us. What do we do when...

  1. There is an addiction in the family,
  2. You or a loved one has a cancer diagnosis,
  3. You discover your spouse is having an extramarital affair,
  4. Severe calamity passes through your place,
  5. A loved one dies unexpectedly,
  6. You witness illegal activity in the workplace,
  7. A teenage pregnancy caused your son/daughter to take his/her own life,
  8. A sensitive political issue has been circulating in social media,
  9. You lose your possessions through fraud or robbery, or
  10. Christians are persecuted in your workplace or community,

We deal with these issues every single day the moment we wake up and go about with our tasks. And yet, this goes to show that these unfortunate incidences and undesirable situations aren’t of our sisters and brothers in Christ’s own doing. The enemy has a role in each and every one of them. He aims to steal, kill, and destroy.So as Christians, how do we respond to each one of them? The answer is simple - be the salt and light.

“You are the light of the world--like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” – Matthew 5:14“The Lord isn't really being slow about His promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.” – 2 Peter 3:9

Our Mission

It is our greater purpose in this world not just to combat the enemy’s attacks and stand up for our faith, but also, to win nonbelievers to Christ through the testimonies in our lives and by the way we live. Being Christ-like in every manner is a long process of transformation. And yet these highs and lows in our spiritual journey give us the power to declare the Good News boldly.

Read more: "Answering God's Calling" 

What hardships in life have you gone through or are going through right now? Think of them as a test of faith. Recall the story of Job as a powerful testimony to let the Word of God be known to the people around you including your family, coworkers, friends, and your community. Faith is built on a hope that we do not see and yet we chose to believe – salvation through Jesus Christ.

How Do We Do It?

It is by faith that we win nonbelievers to Christ. It is by grace they will be saved. Our faith is nothing if it only serves us and if it is only about us. Our faith should point others to the hope we believe in and the reason we live our lives in a Christ-like manner. To be the salt and the light is to live to the calling that God has for each one of us through the Scripture.

“Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” – Romans 12:2

Yes, the world is watching, always. How we respond to life’s atrocities will show the depth of our relationship with the Father. And whether we have Christ in us or not will determine how we live out the purpose that God has called us to live - share the Gospel and make disciples.


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