There Can Only Be Men And Women Of Faith: God’s Favor For ALL

There are some who believe that certain people are favored more than others in the eyes of God. I believe the other way around – everybody is favored. It is just that there are only men and women of faith, who, through severe testing and hardship, have won God’s favor. They won God's favor through their relentless faith and utmost obedience to Him.Even if this means sacrificing what matters to them most in the likes of Abraham. Even to the point of life and death such as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

The Manner That Blessings Are Received

This is how blessings have been given and the manner by which they should be received. God is a faithful provider and a promise-keeper.And yet He doesn’t provide for the sake of just satisfying all that we ask, but all that we need. It is only God who knows us better than anyone else, better than ourselves even, thus, He knows what is best for us.

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When we acknowledge Him as our creator, we also accept the fact that He knows every single detail about us. This includes how our lives will fare out from start to finish.

How Obedient We Are

We fail to receive the blessings we ought to receive. Not because God doesn’t want us to be happy, but because we fail to see His plans. It is oftentimes our own plans, which are sometimes not God’s plans for us, that hinder us from claiming the beautiful promises that God has for us.

“For I know the plans for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Man has been created to possess limited hindsight only. It is God who possesses the greater power of knowing everything because that is who He is. To dismiss God’s leading is to downplay His sovereignty above all things and to refuse to believe that His plans are better than ours.

Complete Surrender

All the men and women of faith in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation all have immovable faith. Faith as an act of surrender and yet a display of complete trust in God’s plans. There are those who have never witnessed the fruits of that faith in their lifetime.But that is because God wanted us to understand that the complete reward for following Christ in this Earth can only be fulfilled in eternity. In fact, life in eternity is the great reward itself. Because all other good things come along with it.

Don’t Delay It

This doesn’t mean that in order to be saved, we need to work for it. If we declare that Jesus is our Lord, then we are already saved. But when we are saved, we make a commitment to turn our backs from everything that God calls sin. We embrace the life that God has set for us to follow.That is God’s offer for us – be saved but live in the light, not in the darkness. The only way to remain true to this calling is by wearing the armor of God and by holding on to the faith that we profess. Being men and women of faith is what it means to earn God’s favor and claim the beautiful promises that He has for you, for me, and for the rest of the world.


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