Why Do We Celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December?

It is that time of the year again. That magical and brilliant season of festivities is back. We call it a magical season because supernatural energy and light are hovering on everyone. This light has been radiant ever since the first Christmas. Twas that first Christmas, this perfect light came to shine on humanity.This perfect light of eternity entered into time to lighten up humanity's path and cast out the darkness in the heart of humanity. The perfect light was the eternal God, who came into time. God wore human flesh and born of the virgin Merry, and we call him Christ Jesus. He has dwelt among us. He looked like us, but He did not live like us. Christ Jesus modeled a heavenly lifestyle. He showed a brighter way to follow that, which leads us back to eternity.The date of Christ Jesus's birth has often been a topic of great debate; not just by atheists but also Christians among themselves.

About the birth.

Christians who celebrate Christmas don't celebrate the date, but they celebrate the event. Whether you agree with the date or disagree { sorry to say this but,} it does not matter because Christ was born anyhow. The birth of Christ is more significant than the date. If you do not find it comfortable celebrating Christmas on the 25th of December, I encourage you to at least celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus. Celebrating the birth of Chris Jesus is memorable to people of faith. They observe this day as the day hope came to earth. The hope of freedom from the power of sin and evil spirits. The hope for salvation and forgiveness of sin and hope for eternal life.


  • The real question that starts an argument is: Was Christ Jesus born on the 25th of December?
  • And the answer to that is: Why does that matter?

If the date is important, then we have lost the significance of Christ's birth. The event is richer than the date.Since there is no official record for the day of birth, choosing an official day to celebrate the birth of Christ was something of great interest and debate.The bible does not mention the exact date Christ was born, but it has hinted a season. Significant research took place to identify the day of conception. They would then calculate nine months until his birth. So now the bible answers.According to the Bible, Jesus refers to himself as the Sun and the Light. He describes himself in the gospel of John:

I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8:12 KJV)

And other prophets in the Old Testament also reveals to us that:

But for you who revere my name, the Sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. (Malachi 4:2 NIV)

The argument.

Two significant words from the scriptures are: 'Light and Sun' which means, Jesus is the Sun because bible passages link Him to the Sun. So historians, scholars, and ancient scientists realized that it would be symbolic relating March Equinox to the conception of Christ Jesus. March Equinox happens every year when the Northern Hemisphere tilts toward the Sun; in simple words, we call March Equinox the 'birth of the Sun.' The apparent Sun is born in March in Northern Hemisphere. Therefore, the conception of Christ Jesus happened symbolically sometime in March.According to the historical calculation hypothesis, nine months from March-Equinox would fall roughly in mid-December. Such a calculation could support more than one day of birth. So our founding fathers realized since conception was solar symbolic, so should birth also have a cosmic symbolic significance. Therefore, they chose Winter-Solstice as the day of the birth of Christ Jesus. Science tells us that Winter-Solstice is the shortest day on earth, which falls in the middle of December on the calendar. Christian Theologians such as St Augustine had supported the notion that Christ was born on the shortest day on earth because when the eternal entered into time, time feared and lapsed.

Christmas vs Paganism

Many Christians choose not to celebrate the birthday of Christ Jesus on the 25th of December. This group of Christians, along with non-religious people, have argued that celebrating Christmas on this day is Pagan worship. The 25th of December was Roman solar holiday 'Dies Natalis Solis Invicti.' It was the day the Roman Empire celebrated the birthday of the Sun-god 'Sol Invictus.' Of course, it's true. Non-believers or pagans celebrated Sol Invictus on the 25th of December in the ancient days.But here is the right side of the history we do not see nor hear argued against by many. History reveals that, the ancient Roman king Aurelion set the 25th of December as a day to celebrate Sol Invictus. He set this day to attack Christians, and to slow down the rapid growth of Christianity in the empire. So now the table has turned.History reports that king Aurelion, was fully aware of Christians observing this day as the birthday of Christ Jesus. The church had already chosen the 25th of December as the birthday of Christ Jesus {based on the initial arrangement of Winter-Solstice}. When the king learned this, he then ordered a festival to take place on this day to ridicule Christians.

So, here we have it.

Isn't it ironic to think Romans celebrated the Sun-god while Christians also celebrated Christ Jesus the Sun? It has always been about the Sun. Beware of the counterfeit Sun. Make sure you celebrate the birth of the right Sun, who seats at the right hand of God. We call him the Son of God. He has made us sons and daughters of God. He became like us so we would become like him. Christ reminds us that eternity is our home and where we belong.We should not celebrate Christmas because of the historicity of the date but because of the event. We celebrate Christmas because Christ Jesus was Born. Our hope for salvation, our peace, our grace, our Lord, and Savior Christ Jesus was born.


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