How to be a “Successful” Christian, the Easy Way

How many times have you battled with the idea of success? Whether you want a big promotion, good grades, or to achieve a difficult goal, we tend to define ourselves (and our success) by the things we achieve throughout our lives.

It’s very easy to fall into the trap of “I’m not good enough” when we live in the modern age. We’re constantly surrounded by and reminded of wealthy celebrities, CEOs, people who have “defied the odds” to become famous figures with a large net worth. 

Comparing ourselves to these pop culture and business icons can be overwhelming. They seem to have achieved more than we could, leaving us questioning our own worth. 

But no amount of money, houses, cars and fame really matters. What does, is our fulfillment, gratitude, appreciation and ability to connect with the Lord for peace. 

The Bible makes it very clear that those who exploit others for wealth and success are not looked upon fondly by God. Psalms 49:18-20 makes this especially clear in regards to our salvation:

“In this life they consider themselves fortunate and are applauded for their success.

But they will die like all before them and never again see the light of day.

People who boast of their wealth don’t understand; they will die, just like animals” (NLT)

Seeking material possessions and fame will never lead to the kind of internal peace we can find through following God, practicing gratitude, and bettering ourselves. 

It’s important to define what success means to you. Do you want to form long-lasting relationships with people to learn and grow together? Do you want to devote yourself to charity or a good cause? Do you want to have a happy family? Once you’ve realized what means the most to you, use that to define how well you’re doing. Devote yourself to your passions and do the things that bring you joy and fulfillment. And of course, do it all in the name of Christ and his love:

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect,” (Romans 12:2, NLT)

Always turn to God for help along your journey—spiritual growth is one of the most important ways we can better ourselves. Research, read, and put up sticky notes of scripture and verses that inspire you in your goals and current situation. Asking for guidance through prayer also helps put us on the right path, whether we have a sudden revelation or just follow God’s plan for us. 

If you want a real idol for success, look no further than Jesus himself. He provides us with a blueprint for how we should behave, firm in our beliefs and morals- yet kind and acknowledging, always standing up for what’s right. Focusing on bettering yourself in the image of Christ not only gives you a perfect example of what to do to find peace with yourself, God, and other people, but it allows you to grow into a stronger version of yourself. 

So, what does it mean to be a “successful” Christian?

The truth is, the only people who are really successful are the ones that continue to learn and grow. We will never reach a point where we are without error, know everything, and never make mistakes,

“Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.” (Proverbs 16:3, NLT)

The real way to find success is to better yourself in the image of Christ. Work towards your goals with your morals, faith, and power in mind, and achieve what you can—but carry peace and kindness always. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things knowing you have God on your side. 

Write down your three biggest goals right now, and ask God to help guide you to fulfillment using this prayer. 

Dear Lord,

Please guide me to fulfillment for your greatest good; help me achieve my goals and find peace in You so that I can shine as a light of your Kingdom. 

I pray that you remove blockages that may come in my way, and help me to learn and better myself as a person, with the image of Jesus Christ as my example.

Thank you for the blessings and love you have given us. I will continue to be grateful for my life and ignore false idols that distract me from You.

I pray this in Your name,



Accepted by Who?


Your Kingdom, Not Ours