Accepted by Who?

To the world or man, acceptance generally refers to the act of recognizing and embracing something or someone as valid or legitimate. This is a dangerous way to live as it reflects the self-worth of a person by connecting their identity to other people or things.

People can let us down. But God never lets us down. He is true to His word and timeless. A person’s inherent worth should not be based on man’s opinion.

In contrast, acceptance in Christianity and as understood by God’s word refers to acknowledging and submitting to God's will and authority in one's life. It involves surrendering, recognizing and embracing God's love, forgiveness, and purpose for you, as well as accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

While both biblical and worldly acceptance involve recognizing and embracing something or someone, the underlying beliefs and values that guide these concepts are different. Biblical acceptance is rooted in faith and submission to God, while worldly acceptance is based on popularity or recognizing and embracing something or someone as valid, legitimate, or true. 

It is important that we acknowledge our own sinfulness and live in accordance with God's will. This acceptance of your identity in Christ is deeply connected to faith, repentance, and again surrendering to God's plan for our lives. Once you have surrendered to God's will, He promises you will receive His grace and salvation.

Jesus accepted all people by demonstrating unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness towards everyone he encountered. Throughout his ministry, Jesus reached out to those who were marginalized, outcast, or considered sinners by society, showing them kindness and acceptance.

Jesus welcomes all people, regardless of their background, social status, or past mistakes. He dined with tax collectors, healed lepers, and spent time with the poor and the sick. He showed love and compassion towards those who were rejected or judged by others, teaching that everyone is valuable and worthy of God's grace.

Jesus' acceptance of all people was rooted in his belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. He saw beyond outward appearances or societal labels. By embodying love, compassion, and acceptance in his interactions with others, Jesus set an example for his followers to follow in welcoming and embracing all people with open hearts and minds.

In Christian theology, it is believed that God's love and acceptance are available to all people. The Bible teaches that God desires for all individuals to come to repentance and experience salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. God's love is often described as unconditional, extending to every person regardless of their past sins, mistakes, or circumstances.

However, it is important to note that God's acceptance is conditional upon a person's willingness to acknowledge their need for forgiveness, repent of their sins, and accept Jesus Christ as their savior. This belief is based on the understanding that salvation comes through faith in Jesus and the grace of God.

While God's love and acceptance are available to all, individuals have the freedom to choose whether to accept God's offer of salvation. God's acceptance is not based on merit or good deeds but on faith and trust in him. Those who reject God's offer of salvation may face consequences, but ultimately, it is believed that God desires for all people to experience his love, forgiveness, and acceptance.

Christians believe they receive God's acceptance through faith in Jesus Christ as their savior. According to Christian theology, Jesus Christ's sacrificial death on the cross provides a way for individuals to be reconciled with God and receive forgiveness for their sins. By believing in Jesus, repenting of their sins, and accepting Him as their Lord and Savior, Christians believe they can experience God's love, grace, and acceptance.

The process of receiving God's acceptance involves acknowledging one's need for forgiveness, confessing and repenting of sins, and placing one's faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Christians believe that through this act of faith, they are adopted into God's family as beloved children and are granted the assurance of salvation and eternal life.

In addition to faith in Jesus, Christians also believe that living a life in accordance with God's will, following the teachings of Jesus, and seeking to grow in relationship with God through prayer, worship, and serving others are important aspects of experiencing God's acceptance and love on a daily basis. Ultimately, Christians rely on God's grace and mercy to receive His acceptance and strive to live out their faith in response to His love.


A bold prayer for reconciliation with God,


Heavenly Father,

I come before you humbly, recognizing my need for reconciliation with you. I acknowledge my sins and shortcomings, and I ask for your forgiveness. I repent of my mistakes, help me to turn away from my old ways, help me in seeking to follow your will and guidance in my life.

Lord, I believe in your Son, Jesus Christ, and I accept Him as my Lord and Savior. I place my trust in Jesus and His sacrificial death on the cross as the atonement for my sins, and I ask for the cleansing and renewal of my heart, soul and mind.

God, I desire to be in a right relationship with you, to experience your love, grace, and acceptance. Help me to grow in faith, to deepen my relationship with you, and to live a life that honors and pleases you.

Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and forgiveness. May your Holy Spirit guide me and empower me to walk in your ways and to live a life that brings glory to your name.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.



Faith Comes by Hearing


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