Training is the essence of transformation

On June 6th 2015 I participated in a fitness competition called Battle for the Beach by Never Quit. This event consisted of a half mile swim, two 50 yard wheelbarrows, then as a team of 6, 500 pull-ups, 1000 sit-sups and 500 burpees. It was pretty intense! Without having the other 5 guys with me, I'm not sure if I would have been motivated to finish. However, we all stayed strong and pressed through it. Our team finished and did very well in the overall rankings!I started training for this event in January. I adjusted all of my exercises to be preparation for the workout in the event. That way when the day of the event came I would be able to perform as needed to complete it. Almost 6 months later, I finally get the chance to do what I had been training for; and I did better than expected. For me, this was a huge accomplishment!Often the trials that we go through in life aren't much different than this fitness competition. We know the trials are coming, they are always intense, they often require us to have family and friends around to help us through and most importantly each of us always end up getting through them. (Some just take longer than others.)The biggest difference between the trials of our lives and this fitness competition is that we do not always train for the trials. We just wait for them to happen, and then we scramble to try to make it out instead of being intentionally prepared. Trials are always coming; the bible tells us in James 1:2-3, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."When trials present themselves, we should be so prepared for them that it hardly fazes us. The next verse in James 1 says "Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." (James 1:4) As believers we need to be so grounded in our faith through the Word of God and through prayer and worship that no matter what happens in our lives, we know who God says we are. Through this relationship with God, we can make it through anything.If you are in a season of life right that is peaceful, know that the trials are coming. Remember to be training and preparing through the Word of God during these good times. If you are in a season of trial, I encourage you today, stay faithful! Press on through the difficult times, never give up and you will be stronger in the end.Here are some bible verses that have helped me stay motivated through trials:Philippians 3:13-141 Corinthians 9:24-27

My Battle for the Beach 2015 Team:11403307_10155708988400188_6310992947760356743_n

Where Does Your Confirmation Come From?


Question Yourself!