Don't Let Trump Exhaust You, Save Your Energy for the Gospel

In case you missed it, America just finished one of its busiest weekends in a long time. From Friday's inauguration (Trump) in Washington to Saturday's women's rights marches all over the country, Americans have been making their voices heard.Regardless of political affiliation, this weekend's events can be viewed as both positive and negative. The events were positive because they showed that Americans are still capable of mobilizing in large numbers for what they believe in. On the flip side, the events were negative because they showed that Americans don't seem to have anything solid to believe in anymore.

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If you don't believe me, when's the last time American Christians simultaneously and enthusiastically marched onto cities across the country for the cause of Christ? Years? Decades? Suffice it to say, it's been a long time.Unfortunately, I'm afraid we're falling victim to what world-renowned pastor, Jon Piper, wrote about this past Friday.

He warns us with this:

"Let us not exhaust ourselves bemoaning a Trump presidency. There are peoples whose privileges of prosperity and possibility are vastly inferior to ours. Having been so loved by God to receive the gospel, we are debtors to them (Romans 1:14). Do not think of the molehill of moral and social disadvantages of a Trump presidency. Think of the Himalayan mountain range of blessings we have in Christ. Let this put fire in our bones for what matters most: the salvation of the world."So let's do just that. Let's give the first fruits of our energy to the Lord Jesus Christ. For the next four years—and beyond.

Related Post: Only Jesus Can Make America Great Again

Scripture Refered Romans 1:14: I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish.Image courtesy of:

The Joy and Power of Love


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