Two Forms of Freedom to Be Thankful for This Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day of mixed emotions for many Americans. I have friends who have lost brothers and sisters in the line of duty. For them, it's a day of remembrance of what they've lost. However, for the mass majority of us, it's a day to be thankful. Thankful that we are free. In this Memorial Day post, I wanted to mention two forms of freedom to be thankful for.I've been thinking about writing this post all weekend. It's been on my mind because I realize that many of us exercise our freedom on Memorial Day by being at the beach, hosting a big party, or having a cookout. At least that's how we do it in Florida! I can't speak for the rest of you, scrubs! (Just kidding) Exercising our freedom is a great thing to do and a great way to honor the day. But at the same time, it's important to reflect and walk in an attitude of gratitude. (Trademark pending.)

Related Post: 3 biblical steps for developing a mindset of thankfulness

Freedom is something that many of us take for granted. It's something that the majority of the DailyPS readers and authors were born into, and because of that, it's easy to forget.A similar example of this is living in a house with running water. If you live with running water in your home, it's typically not something you consider expressing thankfulness for. That's not because we're ungrateful, it's because we've always had that luxury and it's all we've ever known.Freedom is the way of life for us. Often, we do not think about the sacrifice given for our freedom; because it's all we know. However, when you stop and think about what being born into and living in freedom means; it truly is the most selfless gift that you could receive. Now on to the main point of this Memorial Day blog post: I want to cover two forms of freedom that we should all (always) be thankful for.

Two Forms of Freedom

There is a quote that covers these two forms of freedom that I'm writing about that I want you to read first. "The freedom you live in today once cost someone their life. They believed that their death was worth your freedom." The freedom we have is something we do not deserve; we always need to be thankful for that. Keep this quote in mind while reading the two forms of freedom I want to highlight.

Form of Freedom #1

At some point in history, a soldier died for your freedom. That man or woman died because they told themselves that even if they were to die, it would be worth it so you could be free. Today is a reminder that we need to always be thankful for the courage of those before us that enabled the freedom that we live in. Be thankful for those who said your life was worth their death. If you're free, be thankful!

Related Post: Living a God First Life in the Military [Podcast Interview]

Form of Freedom #2

I'm about to take this post to the next level. (Are you ready?) Every living human has been born into freedom. I'm not talking about our physical freedom, but spiritual freedom. We've all been born with freedom from sin. We are all free because of the sacrifice that Jesus made. He looked into each of our lives and saw the good, bad, and the ugly. Jesus wanted each of us to be free; so, he willingly laid down His life so that we could live our lives in freedom.

For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. - Galatians 5:13 ESV

My question and challenge to you today is this: What are you doing honor your physical and spiritual freedom? Really think about your answer. If the people that died for you in the past could see how you are living today, would it alter the decision they made? Jesus saw the potential of who you could be, and He died for that person; become that person today.

Do something today that Jesus would be proud of. Ultimately, we should all be thankful to God for these two forms of freedom.


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