Walking Into Your Purpose Through Faith & Self-Awareness

Knowing who we are; our core identity and having a purpose in life is an important part of our humanity. As humans we strive to create meaning in our lives within us and externally through purpose to bring us fulfillment. The Bible tells us that our identity lies in God and God has a purpose for our lives. So how do we know who we are and what is our purpose?

I digress at this point, to examine at the parable of the Mustard Seed.

The mustard seed is described as the smallest of all seeds with the ability to grow into the largest of plants. On earth God began the salvation of humanity through Jesus, a singular person with a purpose, much like the planting of a singular seed. Jesus came so that we may be saved through Him, but He also taught us who God is at His core and how if we look to Him, we will grow through His word. Jesus grew His following through wisdom and the wonders and miracles he performed. The movement that Jesus started, rapidly spread across nations. The mustard seed is a symbol of faith and the growth of faith.

Many of us today do not know who we are at our core, and we may also not know what our purpose is, however with the right conditions; even faith the size of a mustard seed, we will grow and flourish through Gods word.  Just as the farmer knows that a plant needs certain conditions to grow, God sent Jesus to help us understand the choices we have in life and how to grow our faith, to find out who we are in Him and find our life path or purpose.

‘It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man’

-Psalm 118:8, ESV

Faith is an important part of our journey as it is only through faith that we can know and trust in Gods word. Just because we have faith in the Lord doesn’t necessarily mean we have faith in every aspect of our lives. We need to nurture and grow faith where it lacks.

You see, we all have free will and as such we all can make our own decisions. So, it is up to us to be self-aware and to hash out the parts of our lives that needs extra attention and care. We need to plant the seeds of God’s word in our life, this way we can come to know further who he is and grow faith in His word.

I encourage you to carve out time every day to let God speak to you through His word. Practice memorizing scripture and this will help ground you in God’s word. Once you start developing faith i.e., developing trust and belief, God will begin to reveal to you who you are in Him and what purpose he has for your life.

The parable of the Mustard Seed has had a profound impact on my life as it reminds me that Gods purpose for my life is greater than my own thoughts and actions and that through my faith in His word, nothing is impossible. Through self-awareness and developing my faith has helped me find out who I am and my purpose, which has led to great fulfilment in my life.

I invite you to open your heart to God today, even if your faith is the size of a mustard seed, let God’s word grow you into who He says you are and your purpose.


Self-Awareness: Safeguarding Ourselves from Ourselves


Does God Care about my Identity: The Disciple who Jesus Loved