What a Wonderful Maker

Thank you father for everything you do.  You are the perfect example of everything a Father should be.  You are the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, but yet you know every detail of our mind, body, soul, and heart.  You have the heart of a loving daddy that wants to give nothing short of the world to their child.  And you did just that in sending your only son, for you are good.  You are such a wonderful maker and a wonderful savior.  You whispers are majestic but your love is so humble.  Your strength is like no other and no words can begin to describe you and everything you encompass.  We have only heard the faintest whispers of how great you truly are.You want nothing short of all of our heart and you refuse to settle for less.  You continue to pursue us even when all hope is felt to be lost.  Prayers are spoken from your lips for each and every one of us, even as we read this.  Just as any earthly father would do for his children.I want to ask you dad to bless everyone single person that not only reads this post but any post here on Paradigm shift.  Lite a fire in their soul like they have never felt before, the fire that keeps burning to discover you and to yearn for a deeper relationship with you.  I pray and ask for a hedge of protection over every reader and that you will guard their heart, body, soul, and mind from the evil one and his schemes.  Give them the discernment to find truth in you and you alone.I want to send out a Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there.  Thank you for being the strong godly men that God created you to be.


"Social justice without Jesus is no justice at all." - Pastor Chris Hodges


Are you content with your life?