This is such a personal question and I encourage you to really think about it for yourself.

What is holding me back from my relationship with Jesus? What is holding me back from living the purpose filled life God has called me to live? 

The answer I personally keep coming back to is myself and my excuses.

I can be so easily swayed by the clawing hands of this world. I run a million miles an hour and expect to still hear the voice of the Father. How can that even be when I rush through morning devotionals and forgo meditating on the word of God just for 30 more minutes of sleep?  Thinking that 30 minutes will rescue me from the fog and gloom that so easily covers me when I take my eyes off of Jesus and pursue the ways of this world. So often it is such a gentle pull, too. One that can go unnoticed until you find yourself facing a ravine with Jesus on the other side.

So yes, I could give you a lot of reasons for what holds me back, but at the end of the day it always points back to me and my fleshly desires. For I know when I pursue the Lord, he works all things together for my good. When I sit in his presence I am filled with an awe and deep love of my Father. When I run and embrace my church community, actively using the gifts God has given me so others can find Him, I am recharged with a passion to face my greatest enemy and know that I have come out with the victory. When I raise my hands up and worship, singing praises to my savior and King, I watch the shackles fall and freedom consume me. My soul sings I am free! Suddenly, I remember who I am in Christ Jesus.

My whole perspective shifts when I let the Holy Spirit be my guide. Negative attitudes can’t hold me down, gossip can’t pull me in, sexual temptations and desires will not consume my thoughts. I can stand on the word of God and watch as I take every thought captive and put it under the obedience of Christ. I start speaking words of life, and put a hedge of protection around my thoughts. I start seeing my workplace as my mission field and instead of being a dimming light, I shine bright for the name of Jesus! For I am more than an overcomer in Christ Jesus! My name is written in the book of life, and nothing can come against me because my Savior already defeated the foe. I am not defenseless, because I have put on Gods armor to protect me. I am not powerless, but instead have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit giving me power and authority to boldly proclaim the truth of the gospel. This really is the greatest news!

Everything inside me is shouting, “Lets go! No more excuses!” I feel this urgency within me like a coach clapping and shouting at their team that they need to move quickly to stay in the game, for the end is drawing near.

It is time to take our stand church! The only thing holding us back is ourselves.

It is the lies we tell ourselves that we have embraced from the enemy. It is the lie that says I’m not ready or I’m under qualified to share the gospel. Persecution will come, but Jesus is greater! Fully embrace the one who took away the sins of the world and has gifted you with life. Stop choosing the world. God is crying out for his Bride to be a bright and shining light for His glory.

Will this generation choose God over the world? Will this generation usher in the great move of the Holy Spirit? Will we let our relationship with Jesus and not religion be what is changing our lives and molding who we are?

God is chiseling his people. He is cutting off the excess fat so that what remains will be His strong remnant. So run from the grasping hands of the world and cleave to your Father in Heaven who loves and adores you. Run with great urgency because the Spirit of Freedom is drawing you near. In the mighty name of Jesus, I remove any barrier hindering you from making Jesus the first priority in your life. For no one comes to Father accept through Jesus. Give him your life today and live every day sitting at his feet. Incline your ear to him and he will speak words of correction, rebuke, and encouragement over you. Watch as the world slips away and you stand in God’s army, fulfilling the work God has put you on this earth to do.

How highly favored and blessed we are.


The Long Slow Walk


Fear: The Universal Roadblock