Since I’ve joined the team at The Good Christian Co, I’ve been so impressed with my fellow bloggers. They are a brave bunch. They’ve very publicly shared many of their vulnerabilities in the hopes that whoever is reading might see their own and grow. Because that’s the whole point, isn’t it? To grow? That’s why we write, that’s why you read. 

I personally believe it’s in our human DNA to search for better for ourselves. Without Christ, this can honestly look like searching for love in all the wrong places, turning to all the wrong things searching for what we think is better. But if we look at the simple truth that we were creatures meant for righteousness living in an unrighteous world, well, it makes sense, doesn’t it? We were made for better, and so we’re searching for better. Inexhaustibly.

And God wants better for you too. It’s a bit of a mind-bending thing really; God made you exactly as you are—and LOVES that ‘you’—but He also knows exactly who you can become, and desires that you become more of that person. He fuses calling and purpose and value into the shells of our previous lives and promises even more ahead. All that lies in between is our walking from that point A to B. 

But man can I tell you, that’s a long slow walk. 

I can confidently say—with no false humility—that I have yet to reach point B. I probably will spend my whole life trying to become who Jesus says I can become, and there are a lot of things that can seemingly get in my way. 

I’m no stranger to fear, comparison, self-doubt, and I also fall prey to self-condemnation (I didn’t do enough, know enough) and pride (I’ve done more than anyone, been faithful to a tee!) sometimes all in the same breath! All these things make me second-guess who I am in Christ, and what I’m supposed to do, where I’m supposed to go.

It can seem like it will take forever to “wind up at B,” especially when you have a calling, or a gifting specifically on your heart.

But if you’ll bear with me for a moment, I’ve come to learn a big lesson over the years, and that’s that none of those things will be our biggest roadblocks at all. Our biggest roadblock on that long slow walk from A to B, will be a lack of understanding about where we’re meant to go!

2 Peter 3:18 says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory, now and forever. Amen”

Similarly, Hebrews 6:1 says, “Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ, and be taken forward to maturity.”

And again, Colossians 2:6-7 “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

All these scriptures talk about growth, not in skill, talent, influence, not even in patience, grace, love or gifts of the Spirit, but in KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST. How incredible is that? No one mentions gaining worldly knowledge so that Christ can transform them. No one mentions honing and sharpening their talent and skills so God can get them to where they need to be. No one even says we must perfect our character and heart so that God can use us!  The only growth that really matters—dare I say, makes a difference at all— is our growth in relationship with Jesus, our knowledge and intimacy with the one who called us in the first place. 

I get far less distracted by pride, fear, doubt, comparison, when my destination is not a “place” or “state,” but a person. When I’m not eying influence and platform, when I’m not sewing into giftings and talents at the expense of everything else, when I’m not checking and rechecking the position of my heart.

Does that mean our callings disappear? No. Does that mean our influence shrinks? No. Does that mean we stop caring about the state of our heart? Absolutely not (and probably the opposite!).

But when those things are no longer the focus, we can no longer be distracted by the roadblocks once associated with them. When relationship with Jesus is the destination, the path clears, and our eyes focus for the first time in ages. What a breath of fresh air!

“Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all its righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Hallelujah.” – Seek Ye First

Yes, it’s a long slow walk. But focusing on Jesus transforms that walk from a trudge through the mud, to a stroll under the trees, and clear blue sky. It turns the walk from a lonely journey full of frustration, to a peaceful one full of the truest companionship you can find. And if we’re going to be walking all our life, I know which one I’d choose.

So go take a walk 😉


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