What We've Learned About Life During The Pandemic

It is a sad reality that people all over the world are most likely on the same sinking boat right now. Everyone is learning to swim fast to go above the deep water during the pandemic that we're fighting through together.Do you have a quarantine to-do list? Here's a good one.Sometimes, I can't help but cry and ask God when this will be over. It's like the sun is hiding beneath the clouds. And it seems the night is too long before the morning comes. My fear for my aging parents to get exposed to the virus is bigger than all the fears I have overcome in the past. And I am reminded by this beautiful verse on where to put my trust in times of uncertainty.

When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. - Psalm 56:3

I know for sure amidst what’s happening around the globe, there are many things that we can glean from the grim story of COVID-19. Once again, our home became our favorite place. Our father and mother, siblings, husband, wife, and children became our favorite people, to be spending our time with. Each person is tracing back the path to kindness, love, and humility. Learned to recognize the one that knows everything, and whose magnificent power can turn mourning into dancing. And yes, even though it’s hard to decipher the very reason behind all this. It is not for us to figure out everything.

What have we learned and realized?

What we are experiencing this time is like a wake-up call to us that there is more to life than to any material things. You see, what used to be so important to us and where we had put so much of our time and energy, suddenly took a back seat. Everyone learned to focus on far more important things – family, health, and our relationship with God. Everything is back to basic.Honestly,  I stopped watching the news on television and refrained from reading tear-jerking stuff on the internet. Rather, I focused on my mental and physical health; I tried to divert my attention to something good and positive. I value my health now more than ever. My spiritual life has become my top priority. I always find myself in deep prayer as I have never prayed before. I made a pact with myself that I would put Him first in everything

What are the good points brought during the pandemic?

Obviously, we’ve grown ourselves through self-discoveries and had a deeper grasp of life. Someday, all this would only be a part of history, and when we look back; we would thank God that we’ve managed to survive the toughest time.Yes, no one can ever tell how long it will take before all this ends. And when that day comes, we can finally say- our land is already healed – that it is safe to go outside. We will be more loving to our bodies. We’ll become more caring and affectionate to our loved ones. Reminded that tomorrow is not guaranteed. Our relationship with God will take the number one spot. And a better version of us is ready to face the world with more kindness, love, and humility.


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