When You Don't Get The Response You Expected, Don't Quit!

Keep pouring even if you don't get what you expected in return.  The response of other people don't dictate whether you pour out your gifts.  The devil wants us to stop pouring based on past hurts, past disappointments, reactions from people and sour attitudes. God will never let your cup get empty, if you are staying connected to Him like you should.  You shall never fear of running out of oil, because the source of your oil comes from one who's gifts are always in abundance.You don't need to hear a thank you, it doesn't matter if the recipient loves you back. Their response may be vulgar, but the actions of man do not determine your response.  Even when people don't pour back into you, keep pouring because they are not your source. Do not lose sleep over other people's reactions, you can only control your own behavior.

Rejection is not always a bad thing.

The thing you may be most ashamed of is the thing that God uses you for and produces the greatest power you never knew you had.  Your scars are significant. Gods "no" in most cases, is a protection from potential disaster.

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love." 1 John 4:18

Put the devil on notice and thank him for speaking untruth in your life because you are going to turn those untruths into victory. A victory like no one has ever seen before. Have a praise in the presence of your enemies.

Pouring from what you think is empty may not really be empty.

I lead at a local church in Jacksonville, a rather large church.  I lead the Altar Team, which means throughout the service when people are in need prayer, myself and a group of people are available at the altar to pray with you.  Can I be honest and tell you there have been times where I didn't think I had anything left to pour into others?  One bad thing after another, one bad medical report, one argument with my family, one bad day at the office and I was completely dry. Or thought I was.  I felt like I had nothing left to give. Sometimes, it's from those places where we may feel the least able, that we are the most able.

Related Post: Get back up, because Jesus is not done with you!

I have walked into church feeling completely overwhelmed and wanting to ask someone else to take my spot for the night.  But don't you know, the very things I was struggling with, were some of the very things I prayed with people about.  Talk about ministering to yourself when you least expect it.  Even after breaking down emotionally during praise and worship, I found myself able to pick up my head and serve.Even in my exhaustion, my self-doubt and feeling empty, God always supplies.  He never leaves us empty-handed. When we surrender ourselves, even on empty, God will provide what you need to serve His people. Do not allow your problems to weaken your confidence.

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded." Hebrews 10:35

Standing on the right path may require clearing a new one.

Tomorrow has not come yet, so how are you going to posture yourself to receive all that it holds?  It may not all be good.  Tomorrow may come with challenges that we aren't prepared for.  Tomorrow may be filled with bad news, upset customers, friends with bad news, or even worse, a death of a loved one.  Do you stand in path that holds the promises of God, or do you stand in path that holds disappointment and negativity?  Sometimes, I have to be honest, I stand in the wrong path, but through prayer and the accountability partners I have established in my life, I am able to stand firm in the right path.Don't give up when you feel like you have nothing to give.  The enemy would love nothing more than to see you throw up your hands in disgust and march to the sidelines. Lock in firmly and find the strength that is inside you to power through one task at a time.  Keep pouring yourself into helping others and you will be blessed in return. You are not a quitter.


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