Where is God During Difficult Times?

In this episode Alex Sanfilippo and Jared Graybeal discuss where God is during difficult times. This is a topic that has been requested and searched for more than any other topic on DailyPS. Where is God during difficult times is a question we've all asked at one point or another.

#1. What would you define as a difficult time? (What have you been through?)

You have minor and major difficulties in life. Most people only think of the major difficulties. But, a difficult time in life is anything that makes you uncomfortable. Difficult times are different for each of us. What you and (or) I define as a difficult time may not be difficult for someone else; and vice versa.

#2. So (the big question) where is God during difficult times is?

God doesn't get closer or further from you based on the season of life you're in. Good times and bad times, God is right there. You don't need to ask "Where was God during my difficult time?" Draw close to God, and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8)

Related Post: Benny Hinn’s ‘Practices for Waiting on the Lord’ is a Game Changer

The answer to this question: God is right there. He's not gone anywhere.

#3. What are some practical ways you can continue to honor God and keep Him first even in difficult times?

It all comes down to your decisions. Create the right steps. During difficult times we become reactive, instead of proactive. God is right in the middle of your difficulty with you. Here are the right steps to focus on during all times of your life:

  1. Get in the Bible
  2. Be patient along the way
  3. Be confident that God is grooming you for your future
  4. Focus on intimacy with God

Growing your relationship God is more important than any difficult time you go through. Jesus didn't focus on the difficult times He was going through, He focused on growing His relationship with God. That needs to be our focus.

#4. Any final thoughts?

Transparency is huge when you're going through a difficult time. Reach out to a small group of people that you can be honest with. Tell them what you're going through. Don't hold it in. (We covered this in a previous episode, The Powerful Choice to Stay in Christian Community)Please remember that the best days of your life are still ahead of you. You will not be defined by the difficult time you're in. Stay encouraged!

What is a difficult season that you're going through or that you've been through? Comment below!


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Do your prayers sound more like, "My will be done" or "Thy will be done"?