Where is God in the New Year? [Living a God First 2020]

It's that time of year once again; setting resolutions become a massive part of our culture. Some common resolutions include weight loss, going back to school, getting a better job, saving money, getting fit, and eating healthier food. Setting goals or resolutions is a great thing to do. However, what I find to be more important in my life praying for God to give me a trend or something new to work toward at the start of each year. Today I want to write about what God has put on my heart for 2020 because I believe it is a great encouragement.As I spent time praying and seeking God about what 2020 should be for me, I felt God say this:

"The life of a believer should consistently be about getting a bigger, more unfathomable picture of who I am."

...It was a powerful moment! Immediately following God speaking to me, I was reminded of a story in the Bible. In Revelation 4:8 the Bible talks about how the angels continuously circle God saying,

"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.

They never stop because they continuously see a new part of God that they have not seen before.This is what I want for my life more than anything. I want to...

  • be so focused on getting to know God better that I continuously see more of Him.
  • have an image of God that continues to grow throughout my entire life.
  • fall more in love with God, as I learn more of who He is.
  • reach a point in my life that I cannot afford NOT to spend time in His presence.
  • get to the point where my heart breaks when His breaks.

If I am known as one thing, I want to be known as a man that is madly in love with God. I want my life to consistently be about getting a bigger, more unfathomable picture of who God is.

Anyone who knows me knows that I always need some practical steps to help me move in the right direction. Here are some points to work on in this new year to start getting this bigger picture of who God is:We cannot do all of the talking.

Prayer is our communication with God. Communication takes more than one person talking. Prayer is not meant to be a one-way conversation. We should be sitting and patiently waiting for God to speak to us as much as we are speaking.

As revelation comes, let it change you.

As God reveals things to you, let it change who you are. The quality and quantity of your time with God should improve and increase. You should be continuously evolving; trusting God so He can finish the work He started in you.

Pray with the correct mindset.

Before you start praying, picture yourself in the throne room of God. Picture Him standing right in front of you, ready to communicate with you. What would be the first words that come out of your mouth when you first stand before God? - Humbly picture yourself in front of Him before beginning to spend time with Him.

Ask Him for a new experience.

Just as Moses asked God for more in the book of Exodus, we should also ask God for a new revelation of who He is when we spend time with Him. Don't ever feel like you understand God or know enough. Always be expecting more from Him.


New Year! New Decade! New Start! New You!


How to Stop Stressing About The Future [This Will Help You In 2020]