Why Time Won't Heal All Wounds and What You Can Do About It

I’ve heard it said before that “Time Can Heal All Wounds” and while I do believe this is true to an extent, I want to explore the idea that maybe it is a little more complex than that simple phrase. Something greater and more powerful than space and time must be at work. It works somewhere in the mix of heartbreak and healing when it comes to mending all wounds.

"Time Heals All Wounds."

I think people say this to bring comfort to themselves and others when they are dealing with heartbreak or a traumatic season in their life. I know this saying has brought me temporary comfort before. Maybe you feel let down, betrayed and disappointed; or perhaps you have wronged someone you love and care about. Regardless of what side you are on, I’m sure you have found comfort at one time or another in the belief that with time, all wounds will heal and you will slowly but surely overcome any grievances you initially thought could not be fixed.

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Time is beneficial for healing and might be an added push to help you make sense of turmoil, but time itself is not what brings about peace. Years can pass and unless you have wrestled with your pain and sought out a way to heal it, time will do nothing for your inner peace and making you whole again.God is who heals our broken hearts. He is responsible for the mending of those wounds that we just can’t seem to escape. I’m sure that with the more “time” that passes, the wiser you become and the easier it is for you to accept what is happening, but I don’t think a period of absence from whoever hurt you or vice versa is what TRULY heals you.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit. – Psalm 147:3-5 NIV

I believe God is the only one who can fully and completely stitch it all back together for you. He is the only one who knows your heart well enough to put it back into place. After all, he is the one who created and formed it in your mother's womb. He alone can take away the uncertainty and doubt that comes along with a painful experience. All you have to do is call on Him to help you.Putting all your faith and hope in God is not easy, and probably never will be. Too often we want to fix things in our lives ourselves, or we think we have a better way of doing it. The truth is, only the one who created you can bring you true inner peace. Leave it up to Him, because he has much more experience and wisdom in healing hearts and providing comfort than we ever will be able to fathom.

[easy-tweet tweet="God is the only one who can make a permanent, lasting change in your heart." via="no" usehashtags="no" template="qlite"]

Sometimes God might feel far away. Just because you give Him control of your life and outcome, doesn’t mean you will find your answer right away. Sometimes it will take “time”, but I believe during whatever time period He sees fit for your situation, you will learn valuable lessons along the way. Lessons that teach you how to wait patiently on the Lord.  These same lessons teach you to fully trust in Him and His plan for your life.

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If God determines the number of stars in the sky AND has the ability to call them all by their name, how much more will he do for you? You must internalize that He loves you. Then and only then, will He be the one you run to when you need a wound to heal. Especially when you don’t want to place your bet on time alone. Time is a man-made concept, and God is outside of time. You do not have to rely on passing of days or years to find peace in your soul. Look to God, and seek after his wisdom and truth.Ask Him to help you and to heal those parts of your heart that need extra help. I promise He will listen, and I assure you, he will show up.


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