Why You Should Trust and Obey God (Even Among Injustice)

I’ve had to learn some difficult lessons in the past about being okay with the Lord’s way of doing things, particularly His justice system. Several years ago, I lost some valuable relationships that I thought would last a lifetime. I saw people who I held in high-regard act in ways I never thought possible, and I witnessed the dissolution of loyalty.It’s not always in my nature to stand up for myself when I feel I’ve been wronged, but I do tend to remove myself when I feel enough is enough. The issue comes to play for me when I recognize that other people I care about have been hurt or dealt an injustice.

Related Post: Love as a Force for Social Justice

This is where the lesson becomes relevant. In Exodus 14:14 it says, “The Lord will fight for you, just stay calm.”…..I’m not great at staying calm. But if there is ONE person I trust to stand before me and fight, it's the Lord.

This goes so far beyond the injustices I have witnessed in my own small, personal world.

We see things every day that make us uncomfortable. There is always something to be offended in the news and social media or to be upset over. However, as believers in the body of Christ, our calling is to rise above offense and injustice and to love even though there are times when that can be extremely challenging.What I learned is injustices will always happen. Hurting people hurt people. And sometimes, it is the people you have allowed into the most inner circles of your life who will inflict the most pain. We may never see “justice” as we would hope. But our reality is so different from God’s reality. His Justice reigns supreme, and ultimately our call is to trust Him in all that He does and have faith that He will always act on our behalf.When we stay thankful and in a constant state of praise and worship for the things He has blessed us with, everything else seems so small.

"Thanksgiving is our dialect." - Ephesians 5:4 (The Message)

Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely; never depend upon your own ideas and inventions. Give Him the credit for everything you accomplish, and He will smooth out and straighten the road that lies ahead.” - Proverbs 3:5-6 (The Voice)

My thoughts and My ways are above and beyond you, just as heaven is far from your reach here on earth.” - Isaiah 55:9 (The Voice)

He has called us to love. Not judge or be offended. He has called us to be open and kind, and forgiving. Not vengeful. The comfort — no matter the circumstance — comes in knowing that He will fight for us. We need to stay calm.…no matter how hard that may be. So go out this week and display the love of Christ!Do not be offended. Choose love and forgiveness. Choose to be a mirror of Jesus.


The Godly Practice of Living in The Present Moment


Allowing God to Transform Us Into Who He Has Designed Us to Be