Will You End with Honor? [How to Be Who You Need to Be for God]

Wherever you are in life is your fault. Our choices in life determine our direction. Direction determines our destination. So every choice we make affects the trajectory of where we end up in life.Many people would argue the point right there. The argument goes something like this, “You don’t know what’s happened to me. You don’t know what I have been through. I didn’t have anything to do with what has happened to me.” That pattern of thinking is one of reaction and victimhood. Underneath that belief that may seem to make sense hides an insidious lie: “I cannot do anything about what happens to me.” Thus, many people live a victim’s life in a state of constant reaction to one event after the other. Blaming their poor fortunes. This is not living in honor.

The truth of the matter is that we all choose how we respond to life’s circumstances.

Jim Rohn said,” The same wind blows on us all. And it is not the blowing of the wind that determines our destination, but the set of the sail.” Our choices chart our life course. God has given humans the dignity of free will. No matter what happens to us, we always have the choice of how we respond. This is the great honor of responsibility; “Response-ability.”That being said, what course are you charting? Have you thought about where your current choices will take you in 40 or 50 years? What about even 5 years?Now here is the kicker. Every one of our choices affects other people. Are your choices honoring others? Is your speech honoring others? Do you gossip, or when you join a conversation, are gossipers silenced because they know you don’t stand for that? Are your choices honoring God’s Word such that it is the foundation of all you do in life? Or is God’s Word just kind of nice ideals you hear about once a week on Sundays?

Related Post: It’s Not Your What, But Your Why That Matters

Are you heading down a path that leads to honor or dishonor?

How can you begin to honor those around you today and this week? How can you begin to chart a new destiny? Choose today to make new choices. Be different than the world around you and allow God to have His way with you. Be a vessel of honor.Now in a large house, there are gold and silver vessels and vessels of wood and earthenware. Some are to honor and some to dishonor. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these thingshe will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work. Now flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. 2 Timothy 2:20-22 NIV


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