The Secret to Maintaining Proper Work-Life Balance

It’s so easy to get sucked into a busy schedule. It happens even more subtly when we enjoy the very work we do. However, if we miss the center of our focus we can easily get burnt out.  I was recently reminded of how important work-life balance is.

I enjoy learning music and software development and it’s not unusual to find me up late at 1:00 am or 3:00 am doing some of these activities. These activities are not harmful in themselves and in the right context might be actually good things. But, a lack of focus on what is truly important and when to engage in them can lead to imbalance.

God needs to be the center of all we do. Even when it involves enjoying His blessings.

In the midst of all we do we must take our cues on pace and when to take a break from God. At times, He might prompt me to not stay up working on some software project, but rather rest and I must be willing to respond. It could be to invest some quality time with family and friends. And He could be leading me to be disciplined and work. It does require faith to do all things through Christ who strengthens us. And, we will only wear ourselves out if He has not provided grace for a specific thing and so lack strength to do that thing.

Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in Him is he that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing - John 15:5 NIV

Are you feeling stressed or disconnected? The lesson here is to stay attuned to the father as we pursue our interests, to get His directions on pace and focus. Lest we miss what is best in the moment. It benefited Martha to get her cue from Jesus (see Luke 10:38-32). It takes faith to go when he says go and to pause when He says pause. We can never truly enjoy God’s blessings apart from Him. His blessings are meant and designed to be enjoyed with Him.

Related PostBeware of Burnout

So, what steps can you take to stay centered in your work-life balance?

1. Consciously commit your activities to God as you start them2. Keep your heart open to respond to where He may direct your focus (keep going or rest)3. Schedule regular quite time to prayerfully reflect on and prioritize how and where you invest your time


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