Jesus saw something in each of us that made it worth dying for.

Do you truly love people? Sure, friends and family you love; but what about people that are difficult to love? Such as, the person who cuts you off in traffic, the person who is inconsiderate at the store, the person that is being a nuisance it the movie theater, or just the person that you have never gotten along with......Whether people are intentionally or unintentionally making themselves difficult to love, it doesn't change the fact that Jesus died for each of them just as much as He died for you. It doesn't matter what kind of interaction you have had with certain people in the past; Jesus died for whoever that person is. You will miss much of you calling in life if you look at people through your own eyes. Instead, start training yourself to view others through the filter of the cross and remembering that Jesus died for them! By doing this you are taking yourself, your own thoughts and feelings, out of the equation. Suddenly their actions don't seem to matter, because you now love them because Jesus loved them first. (1 John 4:19)If we could get this one point, if we could just put everyone that we encounter through this filter of the cross and just start loving each other, we would change the world around us. Give someone a smile, ask them how their day is going, simply care about the fact that they are in your life even if it is just for a moment... By simply showing people that you love them in this way, regardless of their actions, I promise you will see some lives changed. Remember, Jesus saw something in each of us that made it worth dying for. I encourage you to reach out and show love to someone that you normally wouldn't. Start to view all people as Jesus would view them. (John 15:12)Colossians 3:14And above all things put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.


Victory lies in the strength of our God, not in the strength of our hands


Stop Waiting and Take the First Step