The Truths and Benefits of Integrity

Integrity is an interesting concept. We might not understand integrity completely, and it’s hard to fully measure, but it’s one of those things that, when valued, is very hard to violate.

Integrity is a narrow path, and a largely unseen, unrecognized one--to the world at least. It permeates not only our outward actions, but our inward thoughts and choices as well. In the terms of our spiritual lives, integrity has to do with thought, as much as deed.

In the days before Jesus, so many of the laws had to do with outward deed and action. Do not murder, do not steal, do not commit adultery, (Exodus 20:1-17). But when Jesus came to reside in our hearts, he made His standards all about the heart as well. Do not even look at a woman/man in lust or it’s as good as adultery. Do not hate your brother, or it’s as good as murder (Matthew 5:28).

The stakes are higher, the standards raised yes, but only because there was grace coming, a grace that would be bought with a dear, dear price. His life. And yes, He knew we’d fail at this high standard. After all, it’s not a human standard, but a Godly one, one only he was able to keep, and one we are able to adhere to, only with his forgiveness and grace blanketing our hearts like the first snow.

So why does integrity to these heart-laws matter? If we’re forgiven any time we mess up and repent, why does it matter if we keep integrous in the first place?

The answer is not in a religious text of old, a religious system that makes us feel good about ourselves and our “right ways” and whether or not we succeed in them.

It’s in relationship with the one who is worthy of our best. It is in respect and love for the price the Son paid so we could be right with the Father.

I am integrous to honor my Savior, who gave much and forgives much.


But integrity is not always a thankless choice. There are many things that integrity leaves us with; spiritual imprints and consequences that make the choices a long-term value, for short-term pain.

 Four Benefits of Integrity

1) Security

“Whoever walks in integrity, walks securely, but he who makes his way crooked, will be found out.” -- Proverbs 10:9

 Integrity is largely a choice for our future, over our present. We gain peace and security in our present course when we choose to be integrous.


2) Guidance

“The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.” - Proverbs 11:3

Like Jiminy Cricket says, “Let your conscience be your guide!” We can trust the integrous choice. We can be assured it won’t lead us down a path that leads us to more mistakes and a mess that hurts us and others. An integrous choice might not seem important at first, but if we commit to making it, it can protect our feet from other dangerous paths.


3) Peace of Mind and Soul

Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.” -- Proverbs 28:6

There is something to say about the peace of your heart. When you violate your integrity, you live with those violations every day. You may gain your earthly reward, that relationship, that wealth, that job position, but it will be in violation of your peace and honor. And that will weigh on your heart, make no mistake.


4) Blessing

“The righteous who walks in his integrity--blessed are his children after him!” -- Proverbs 20:7

When I went to Bible College, there was something about the word ‘righteous’ that has stayed with me. I learned that the Greek root for “righteousness” is related to the word “relationship” and that every time you read “righteous,” rather than viewing it as “being good and holy for God,”  you can read it as “being in right relationship with God.”

Make no mistake, there is an eternal reward for walking an integrous life, one that does not violate the generous relationship Jesus has gifted us with the Father, himself, and the Holy Spirit. Making integrous choices preserves that relationship, and making non-integrous choices hurts it. And not only is there blessing for ourselves when we honor that, there’s blessing for future generations to come. Your integrity effects not only your future, but the future of your children.


So, if you believed at the beginning of this that integrity just didn’t matter that much, I hope you remember this going forward:

The integrous person lives in peace. They can trust the future steps of their path won’t lead to self-destruction, but security. And as they choose to honor their God, their God will honor them, and their children, in return. After all, so much was given for this relationship, our integrity is the very least we can commit to giving in return.

#integrity #relationshipnotreligion #security #peace #conscience #grace


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