The Light Of Your Life

I am always with you. In the depths of despair, with insurmountable forces of darkness closing in, that is when I am closest to you. I am the lamp unto your path, I will never abandon you, and I will always prosper you.Sometimes it is all too easy for us to get caught up in the busy-ness of life, and with that we sometimes forget just what God has for us. When we are constantly going, stress and pressure mount, and we do not experience the silent tranquility of God. This week, I am going to continue with the ‘Letters From God’ series; this is an encouraging blog of what God would say to us if He were writing a letter himself.My precious child,It pains me to know that life has been difficult for you as of late. The stresses of modern life can be overwhelming, but I am here to tell you today that I will always love you. You are worth everything to me. I love you far more than you could ever comprehend. You, my child, were worth sacrificing everything for.I am always with you. In the depths of despair, with insurmountable forces of darkness closing in, that is when I am closest to you. I am the lamp unto your path, walking with you step by step, my footprints next to yours. I will never abandon you, I will always prosper you. I have great plans for your life, and I have a special purpose for you.Our tale is the tale of a father and his child. I will always be there for you and I will always love you. No matter what. Unconditionally. I will love you and cherish you. No matter what you do, no matter what predicament you might find yourself in, I will love you and protect you as any good father would.In this life, you are as a child trying to ride a bicycle for the first time, and I am the father that is right there next to his child. You might bumble along and fall, you might even scab your knee – but rest assured – I will ALWAYS pick you back up, make sure that you are ok, and encourage you to go further.My child, please take heart. Please find your strength in me. Please come to me when you are weary and burdened, and I will give you the ability to do so much more than you ever thought possible. How I long to be with you again my child, you are my life and my passion. Please remember that.Your Loving Father


PERFECT peace is the most evident when it is the most necessary


It Was Through Pride That the devil Became the devil