Faith Comes by Hearing

Faith is word we speak about in everyday life, yet its definition and reality can often seem illusive.

All human beings live by faith, what differs is what or who we have faith in. The origins of our faith is what sets apart faith in God and faith as a concept that makes human life function.

This secular, humanistic or what is sometimes referred to as non-religious faith is about believing and trusting in earthly man-made concepts, principles, or entities. For example, people trust in education, exclusively believe in science, entirely rely on technology and have faith which is grounded in tangible human experiences. In this kind of faith there is an emphasis on the human being as the centre of the universe and confidence in humanity as the superior force amongst nature. Faith in human potential, intuitions, social systems, personal relationships, democracy and the numerous organised efforts towards civilisation. This faith is about proven evidence, experimentation, and rational analysis. It is rooted in a commitment to principles and values that can be observed, tested, and shared within a community or society of people. While this belief system is very often plausible and pivotal to our lives as we coexist with people from various religious or non-religious backgrounds there is a vast difference when it comes to our faith in God as Christ followers.

The scripture Romans 10:17, which says: "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,” points to the genesis faith in Christ. That faith is formed in us as we “hear” the word of God, this word continues to foster and nurture our belief in God as we journey in this life with Jesus. Listening to scriptural teachings, hearing from God through His Holy Spirit and studying scriptures is essential for the building plus sustaining of our faith. I believe the practice of gathering and listening to preaching or teaching is a vital tool in developing our faith as believers in Christ. Albeit we live in a generation that is slowly debunking preaching, church going and most of the traditional ways of developing Christian individual but I’m also convinced that there is a valuable place for that orated monologue from some sort of podium which is invested in our faith path.

Romans 10:14-15 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?

The Christian faith is simply a faith in God the creator, it has a spiritual origin through hearing and is grounded in eternity deep seated in our souls. We believe in the salvation of our souls otherwise phrased as the setting of eternity in our hearts through Jesus. It is both mysterious and practical at the same time in that there is unseen substance and evidence to it "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1.

I used to struggle with idea of faith and this caused me some years of turmoil knowing that without faith it is impossible to please God.

Hebrews 11: 6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Also, that Jesus himself when he was on earth said have faith in God [Mark 11:22] and that when Jesus returns it is this same faith, he will be looking for in His people.

Luke 18:8 “But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?”

My limited understanding of faith was great source of concern in my life. I used to imagine that there is some cheat code to faith which I’m not privy to, that perhaps I don’t even have enough of it and all sorts of thoughts I came up with because I simply could not get my head round what faith means or how to get more of it. However, the revelation that I need to get it round my heart round it not my head was liberating. That Faith in God unlike circular faith is in the simple yielding of the heart to trust and believe in the goodness of God.

That unlike humanistic faith; there are no formulas, experiments or complicated codes to crack in order to have faith in God. Literary that faith in our Christian Walk is birthed and nurtured by hearing, studying, and dwelling in the word of God.


Forgive and Forget


Accepted by Who?