Leadership without Leverage

I was cleaning up some today and I rand across some notes that I took at a work function not too long ago that talked about leadership.  Figured I would utilize them and hopefully they will be helpful in some regard.We were listening to the head guy at ACE Hardware, and he was speaking on a number of different things.  But he had a section on Leadership that really caught my attention.  He brought up a few points and themed it "Leadership without Leverage."  He spoke about how a good leader is someone who doesn't expect anything in return, and is truly a servant leader (no leverage).  The main points he made were as follows:

  1. Take People Where they Couldn't Go on Their Own
  2. Rally People Towards a Better Future
  3. Galvanize People to Want to Do What Must Be Done
  4. Lead from a Position of Inspiration - not Obligation

So, while I would highly encourage you to use these throughout your life; spiritual, personal and work, I wanted to talk through these and relate them back to God and how He calls us to live our lives.

  1. Take People Where they Couldn't Go on Their Own.
    • God calls us to "go out and make disciples" in Matthew 28:19.  I truly believe that God knew early on that there would be more than just one human being on this planet.  He knew as we have figured out that we were not meant to be alone, and we couldn't do much of anything on our own.  He calls us to spread the love of Christ to everyone we know and share the Gospel with those who ma not have heard it.  How can we expect someone to come to know Jesus if no one ever tells them about Him?
  2. Rally People Towards a Better Future
    • I couldn't help but think of church here.  Rallying people is what Jesus did with the disciples (Matthew 4) and what they did when Jesus sent them out (Matthew 10).  We are meant to be in community, so rally those you know and have that Godly community that we should all desire.  If you know God, then you know He has the ability to give a better future, so why not share it with others and rally!
  3. Galvanize People to Want to Do What Must Be Done
    • Christianity is not meant to be boring or something you "have to do."  Its meant to be exciting, so talk about it that way!  I think about this one in terms of serving and getting others to serve alongside you.  I see a lot of people ask people to serve in the church in a sort of apologetic tone.  But it should be the exact opposite.  Your excitement is contagious and all you have to do is share that with others and they will more than likely want to follow your lead.  Share what God has done in your life through serving and what it has meant to you.  Don't beg others, just share the truth with them and allow God to do the work!
  4. Lead from a Position of Inspiration - Not Obligation
    • God has put you in the position you are in, whether in church, in work, or at home because He believes you are the best person for that position.  Once you truly believe that you should be inspired to lead with confidence and boldness in all you are doing.  And living in a way that is glorifying to God because He trusts you where you are.  Don't feel obligated to God, He doesn't ask for anything in return for saving us.  All he asks for is faith and love in Him.  Pretty good deal if you ask me.

Related Post: A Leader Is One Who Knows the Way Goes the Way and Shows the Way

So look through these and then step back to see what areas of your life God has you as a leader.  He wants you to lead well, and these are great things to look to in order to do that.


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