How Much Does God Love Me?

How much does God love you? The simple fact of the matter is that neither you nor I can comprehend the level of love and grace that the almighty God has for you. In this blog, I feel called to do something a little bit different; God put it on my heart to write you a love letter from Him. I am certainly not God, but I do hear from God, and I’m quite certain that He would approve of this letter. I would tell you, my reader, to read this and gain a new appreciation of God, and to spend time in His waterfall of love and grace today after reading this.Continue Reading "Always Keep God Bigger Than Your Problems" »"My precious and beloved child,I love you so much. I cannot even begin to express how badly I long to be with you, to spend more time with you, and to hold your hand through your temporal life – and to finally one day guide you back home to be with me for eternity, in the warmest and most comforting embrace you could ever imagine.Oh, how much I am sad when you cannot find time to be with me. It pains my heart and causes me to weep. How I long for you to be truly in love with me, your father. How I wish you would turn your heart towards me instead of the silly things the world has to offer.Oh, my child, I walked this earth for you, I suffered through berating religious hypocrites for you, I suffered torture…. Because I love you, and because I desire your heart. Don’t chase the house, the car, the job, the food, the status, chase me! We have so much to do together – I have so much joy for you. Just come and rest with me. That alcohol will do you no good. Come to me!If only you realized that the trial you are trudging through would someday be something that you laughed at! If only you realized that my supremacy and sovereignty is over that situation. If only you realized that I had you in that situation so that you could glorify Me in the process. If only you could see that I love you so much that I am willing to walk with you through this struggle, that I love you throughout the entire process, and that you are bringing people back to heaven with you because of it.My child, come rest with me. The condemnation you feel is not from me! Your sins, your bad things are completely covered by my grace. I died for you to be free of that and so that we could be together! Do not consider what happened yesterday – it is as far as the east is from the west. Just come to Me today.Do not worry about tomorrow, for I have control of it. Trust me. Believe in me. Wait for me. I will be with you always and forever."

If you find yourself asking the question "How much does God love me?" I encourage you to refer to this post as a healthy reminder!


Gaining Margin in a Marginless Situation


How Long, O Lord?