Marriage Oneness – Friends and Family

Friends and family can be a great asset to strengthening any marriage, but if those relationships aren’t healthy they can weaken a marriage quickly.  God made all of us relational creatures to varying degrees, but how do you create a safe boundary around your relationships outside of your marriage?  Tim and Lea Lundy lay out some helpful hints to help us create those healthy boundaries.

  • Relationships Around Any Marriage Are of Great Importance
    • They can make vital contributions that bless and enhance a marriage. (Proverbs 17:17)
    • They can also create problems that undermine a marriage (Matthew 19:6)
    • The key is in how we handle those important relationships as a couple.
      • Our spouse must always be our top priority.
      • Other relationships must be handled with wisdom and boundaries.
        • Boundaries give you freedom.
        • Develop those “property boundaries” and you will be able to focus more on your own property and not everyone else’s.
  • In-laws and Your Marriage
    • The joy of extended family. (Genesis 2:24)
    • The importance of “leave and cleave.”
    • What to do when you have intrusive or controlling in-laws:
      • Agree as a couple on the boundaries that need to be drawn. These boundaries help create proper expectations.
        • Time
        • Money
        • Words
        • Home
        • Holidays
      • These boundaries need to be specific.
      • These boundaries need clear consequences if violated.
        • Boundaries without consequences is just a suggestion.
      • The husband should take the lead in communicating these boundaries and enforcing them.
  • Children and Your Marriage
    • Children can bless a marriage in countless ways: (Psalm 127:3)
      • They can bring unbelievable joy. (3 John 4)
    • Children can also stress a marriage.
      • Certain seasons of child rearing are more stressful than others.
      • Beware of the big “W”;
        • No Children = High Marriage Satisfaction
        • Preschoolers = Low Marriage Satisfaction
        • Grade-schoolers = Moderate Marriage Satisfaction
        • Teenagers = Low Marriage Satisfaction
        • Empty Nest = High Marriage Satisfaction
      • Children grow up best in the soil of Marriage Oneness.
        • Be diligent as husband and wife to nurture and enrich your marriage relationship through all your child-rearing years.
          • Date weekly
          • Get time along together
        • A healthy marriage is the surest path to having healthy children.
  • The Priority of Your Marriage
    • Your marriage relationship should always be your first concern.
    • With healthy boundaries and wise choices, family and friends can greatly benefit your Marriage Oneness.


"If you want your marriage to thrive, make sure no other relationship competes with it. – Robert Lewis”

 Marriage Oneness - The Oneness FactorMarriage Oneness - CommunicationMarriage Oneness - Conflict ResolutionMarriage Oneness - MoneyMarriage Oneness - Spiritual BeliefsMarriage Oneness - Sexual IntimacyMarriage Oneness - Roles & Responsibilities 


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