Sowing Seeds of Hope

If you could accomplish anything in the world – anything – what would it be? When was the last time you allowed yourself a moment to dream big about your life or your future?As children we have dreams that are larger than life. Our imaginations can turn cardboard boxes into rocket ships on the moon and tree forts into a castle. The innocence of childhood places stars in our eyes that glisten as they gaze into the future. And then somewhere along the journey of life, we lose it. We become jaded and cynical. Those dreams we once had become suppressed and out of reach. 

“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” - Psalm 1:3 NIV

God says that the person who delights in the Lord, will bear fruit in its due season. That means you! There is no expiration date on the dreams God has sown into your heart. According to the scripture above, not only will you bear fruit, but your leaves do not wither! This means that in ANY season of your life, no matter your age or circumstance, God will sustain you to give birth to those dreams. God will not plant a seed in your heart that will not bear fruit.

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” - Psalm 37:4 NIV

Stay focused on the Lord. Seek Him and set your desires on Him. Living a God-first life, brings us into alignment with the purposes, plans and dreams God has for us.Can I challenge you today?If you are feeling hopeless or lost about your dreams and desires, start by writing them down. Begin to speak life into those seeds!

Related Post: The Pursuit of Dreams

There is power in speaking your dreams into existence. There is even more power when you write them down. This is the first step in your new journey. You are changing your life with the moments you invest in yourself today.As children, we have grandiose dreams and ambitions. Nothing seems impossible and we are full of untamable hope! It is time to reclaim that hope. Now is your moment. Throw off the robes of doubt and fear and step into your purpose. It is never too late to be the person God created you to be! You, my beautiful friend, were destined for greatness. This is only the beginning.[easy-tweet tweet="There is no expiration date on the dreams God has sown into your heart." via="no" usehashtags="no" template="light"]


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