Personal Recommendation Letter From God

Throughout my professional career I have had the opportunity to write recommendation letters for a number of individuals. I really enjoy writing these letters because I have seen the benefit they bring to people while interviewing for a job. As I begin to write a recommendation letter, there are a few things that I always keep in mind:1. Recommendation letters are unique.You cannot just copy / paste what you have written from one person to another.2. Recommendation letters are always personal.You must know the person well to be able to recommend them.3. Recommendation letters are traced back to the writer.You must sign the letter; your name is on the line as much as the person that the letter is about. If you write and sign a recommendation letter, it means you believe in someone.Recently I was writing a recommendation letter for a coworker; and as I was finishing up, God gave me a vision of Him writing recommendation letters for every christian person on earth. This really changed my perspective on some things! In Ephesians 2:10 the bible says: "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

Related Post: Make a Recommendation for God – Jesus Does it For You

How cool is it to think about this? God, the creator of the universe has written a letter about you that is unique, personal, and it has His signature on it. As I started thinking more about this recommendation letter from God, I thought about what it looks like in relation to the three main points that I mentioned above.1. Recommendation letters are unique: You were uniquely created for a purpose.God has a unique call on your life; it is a purpose that He has for you alone. While I cannot write about what your exact purpose is, I can tell you that it will have something to do with the great commission found in Matthew 28:19-20. “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” The purpose for every believer is founded on this passage of scripture; but it is up to you, and God, to find out what that looks like in your life.

Related Post: What is My Purpose?

2. Recommendation letters are always personal: God personally knows you and holds you in high regard.We often don't think highly of ourselves; however, God always thinks highly of each of us! God sees the potential of who we can become, not who we are today. God has written about you because He deeply cares about you and believes in you. When you are feeling down or make a big mistake in your life, remember this one! No matter what, God holds us in high regard and recommends us, even though we are imperfect. (This one really encourages me to step it up in my walk with God!)3. Recommendation letters are traced back to the writer: your calling is signed and sealed by God.God's signature is on your recommendation letter and He signed it before you were born! Think about that one... God knew what your purpose was going to be before you were born! Not only does God know your purpose, but He also believes in you! I encourage you today, start to think and pray about what God has called you to do. He has signed your heart; start exploring the passions that God has placed inside of you and He will lead you toward your purpose through your action. Live up to the letter that God has written on your heart and remember that He believes in you and loves you very much![easy-tweet tweet="The purpose that God has for your life is unique, personal and can only be achieved by you." via="no" usehashtags="no" template="blue"]


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