Getting Over The Confusion That We're All Facing Right Now

I’m not even going to ask because I am more than sure you have been confused before. Am I right? Some of us, confusion is an every day thing. It can be the simplest things like what to wear or eat for lunch. But other times we are confused about more pressing matters like life, people, beliefs, etc. You name it!

Confusion is not easy to navigate through.

There are lots of questions left unanswered that we, as humans desperately want to find answers to. What’s worse is that confusion births side effects such as fear, anger, and uncertainty. It manifests itself through these negative emotions. Bottom line, confusion is the root of this chaos.

Confusion is a roadblock to peace, joy, and confidence.

I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t want to live the rest of my life confused. My life will not be a mosaic of fear, worry, anger, and uncertainty. I want my life to overflow with peace, joy, and confidence to the point where others are filled by it. And the only way that will happen is if our faith is rooted in what God says.Have you ever witnessed or gone through something in your life that left you confused? Perhaps an experience or encounter with something or someone? I have.I remember fasting coffee and social media for a week and praying for specific areas in my life that I wanted to see breakthrough in. My prayer focus was on Matthew 7.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. And keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives, everyone who seeks, finds. And everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” - Matthew 7:7-8

That particular week I was asking God to prompt the man He has set apart for me to begin pursuing me. I told God I would seek His will no matter what presents itself, and that I would also seek His wisdom, clarity, and direction for my life. Lastly, I told God I would knock on the doors of prosperity, opportunity, and favor.

Fast forward almost a month later; an unexpected person made his way into my life.

Yes, a guy started to pursue me! Of course, I had completely forgotten about the prayer I made almost a month ago. However, as I got to know this guy, I found myself attracted to his personality, values, goals, and dreams for his life. There was just one thing, I was not attracted to the way he looked.I started to feel so confused about whether I should give this guy a chance or not. It was at that moment where God reminded me of the prayer I made a month ago from that date I was feeling confused. Honestly, the only reason I continued to get to know this guy was because he could potentially be God’s answer to my prayer.Long story short, what I thought could be the start of something beautiful and meaningful didn’t end up working out. Things didn’t unfold the way I expected or hoped for. I started to feel confused again. Why would God answer my prayer and then not allow things to work out between us? I couldn’t understand the why of this experience until much later.

Related post: The Most Asked Relationship Questions – Answered! [Q&A Podcast]

The devil used my confusion and frustration to his advantage like he always does. But rather than allowing him to consume my mind with anger, fear, and uncertainty, I chose to rise above them and press through. To ask, seek, and knock for answers just like I did before. Inevitably, God did not fail. He answered!I was determined to get an answer from God regarding my situation. So, I sat there in my room quietly waiting and asking, Lord, is [name of person] the right man for me? I don’t want to feel like he’s the right man for me; I want to know he is. As I waited, God answered through a previous blog I had written: Are They Worth The Risk.

God reminded me of the free will he gives us.

He desires for us to choose His will above ours. He won’t force us to do anything unwillingly. It was at that moment where God’s peace embraced my heart. He reminded me that love is a choice, not a feeling. There is no such thing as “The One.” There are only the “Right Ones.”God gives us the wisdom to choose who we want to choose every day for the rest of our lives despite what the world or life throws at us. So even though I was willing to move forward with the relationship, he chose not to, and I respected that.With every experience we go through, God uses it to expose our heart and test our faith. Even though I prayed Matthew 7:7-8 and God indeed answered, the confusion crippled in from the expectation I had that did not come to pass. I truly believe God used this experience to test my faith.Was I still going to pray Matthew 7:7-8 and believe God answers even if the results of my prayer weren’t what I expected or hoped for? Or was I going to allow the confusion of the unexpected results consume me?

Friends, God is not the author of confusion.

The passion translation of 1 Corinthians 14:33 quotes, “For God is the God of harmony, not confusion.” I  like the message translation though, “When we worship the right way, God doesn’t stir us up into confusion; He brings us into harmony.”My encouragement to you is this. If you currently find yourself confused about something or someone, don’t dwell on it. Ask, seek, and knock for answers. Ask, seek, and knock for clarity and most importantly, for peace. God will indeed answer because His Word promises that in Matthew 7:7-8.Let’s get over the confusion together. Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead (Philippians 3:13). One last thing,

“All the disappointment in the world will never change the promises of God, the reality of Jesus, or His destiny for our lives. Everything we experience ultimately becomes a tool we can use to serve others. There are divine appointments beyond our disappointments if we’re willing to embrace the unexpected.” - Christine Caine

P.S. Make time to listen to PEACE by Amanda Cook. Be encouraged and pass it on by sharing this blog.


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