God Has Called You to Be Brave and Courageous

When I think of people who I consider brave, I definitely do not put myself on the list. Individuals who hold specific job categories that protect us from harm are who I think of when thinking of bravery. I think of civil rights leaders who fight for inequality. People in the world who make a difference in the lives of others at the sake of their own are those who I consider brave. It is easy to go with the flow and follow what is most popular, but we are called to be brave. As Christians, are we not brave? Do we not follow a fearless leader who commands us to fear not? Why, then, is it so hard to be brave in our everyday lives?

Instructed to be Courageous

As the new year was about to kick off, I tried to figure out what I wanted the upcoming year to represent for me. I wanted all of my actions to have a common theme and have something that I focused on, which would keep me grounded in truth. So many times, I have let moments pass me by because I was afraid of what other people would say or think. As outgoing as I am, I still find myself suppressing behaviors, not speaking up, and having reservations when I should be bold and unafraid.

As God instructs Joshua, "This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9

Being brave sounds great in theory; however, practical application is where we fall short.  Most recently, I wasn't sure what I was going to do with my career. Surgery also was not factored into my timeline.  I repeat, "my timeline." I allowed the voice of the enemy to enter into my thoughts and cause fear and anxiety. In short, the list did not include being brave. I did not trust that God had everything planned out for my good, replacing bravery with fear of the unknown.

Related Post: Accepting God’s Schedule Change

I have always had an abundance of friends and acquaintances. I have recently watched people come in and out of my life, which has caused me to question my purpose in people's lives and my ability to make smart decisions on who I allow influencing my life. Lacking the full confidence that God is sufficient, I replace bravery with self-doubt. I sometimes lack the courage to stand on His shoulders. Being brave and confident in our decisions gives us strength to step out on faith and rest on God's promises.

The Promises of the Most Holy One - God promises His children many things:

  • His grace is sufficient for us.
  • Temptation will not overtake us.
  • Victory over death.
  • To supply us with every need we have.
  • Eternal life.
  • All things work together for good for those who love and serve Him faithfully.

"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” - Deuteronomy 31:8

Do you ever wonder who it is we are trying to be brave for? Who are we trying to show that we can be brave, that we have what it takes? The answer is no one. The way we conduct our lives is proof enough that we are free.


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