Have You Been Searching For Your Purpose? This May Be Your Answer...

Nature is a beautiful glimpse of the mysteries of God and His foundational truths. To begin, let's take something as simple as a seed. A seed starts as a hard, lifeless, uninhabited pod full of potential, but it has to be planted for its potential to unfold. Once the seed is planted, it requires nourishment to take root. It then positions itself towards the light and moves upward by braking through the dark soil. It unceasingly grows towards the light while eventually producing healthy fruit.

Our lives resemble that of a seed.

Our bodies symbolize a hard and uninhabited vessel that longs for life and a sense of “something more.” The ground on which we are planted represents being borne into darkness, but we do not stay in the darkness just like a developing seed. When Christ died for us, the veil was torn, symbolizing the removal of a barrier between God and His people. This gave us direct communication with God and made his presence fully attainable without the need for sacrifices or works.God has made our Christian walk simple and straightforward. He says in Matthew 6:33,

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

First, we seek God, we move towards the light, and we leave the things of this world behind, for they will cause us to suffocate. If we seek Him and Him alone, He promises us that all these things will be given to us. What He is referring to is all of our needs will be taken care of if we seek Him.

Doesn’t the one who created you know what you need? Doesn't God know your purpose?

Our goal, purpose, and mission for this life are simple, but we complicate it. We are constantly pursuing our purpose, but He has already answered all of our questions in His word. Seek Him first, and all else will follow. God is saying, put Me above everything, get into the word, have quiet time with Me, then I will be your source of life and supply your every need.

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” - Matthew 6:26

From all of His creation, we were the only ones made in His image and given ultimate authority over it. If the Lord loves us enough to make us a reflection of Him, then we are only truly living if our lives are centered on Him alone. In this life, we are known by our fruit and in Him is the only way to produce sweet fruit.An olive tree was designed to produce only olives, so we are designed to produce a reflection of Christ solely. If this is the case, how and why can we produce something we are not made for? God’s plan for every single one of us is to take our lifeless seed and fill us with His undying light by discovering our identity and purpose through Him.


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